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Returning home, Yu Rang cut off his eyebrows and beard, and swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat, in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice.

Returning business calls as soon as you can is important for successful business relationships. 就成功的商务关系来讲,尽快对商务电话予以回复是重要的。
Returning from the morning rigours of training and being able to choose between a few relaxing laps of the hotel's heated pool, the spa bath, the sauna and a few rounds with the hotel masseuse, enabled these elite athletes to rest tired muscles sufficient 选举从上午严酷训练,并能选择一至数放宽圈酒店的温水游泳池,温泉浴,桑拿浴,并几次与酒店按摩,使这些优秀运动员休息疲倦的肌肉得到充分为了能维持激烈功率要求为下午的会议.
Returning from their holiday, they were surprised to find their house at sixes and sevens. 度假归来,他们吃惊地发现房子里乱七八糟的。
Returning he finds the unpaid construction workers about to blow up the dam. 返回后,他发觉欠工资的的建筑工人打算炸毁水坝。
Returning home late one night he found the road crowded with Soviet armoured divisions; tanks, rocket launchers, motorised infantry, rumbling along in the deep dead of night. 有一天,他很晚才回家,发觉路上尽是苏联装甲师,坦克、火箭炮、机动步兵团在深夜中隆隆前进。
Returning home, Yu Rang cut off his eyebrows and beard, and swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat, in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice. 豫让回去后,剃去眉毛和胡子,又吞食热炭,把声音弄嘶哑,以便从形象到声音都不让人认出来。
Returning nicely to glide path. 恰好回到下滑道。
Returning on a vector ten-nine-six, full burn. 侦察机:返回矢量10-9-6,充足燃烧。
Returning students are not eligible in this Round of application. 此舍堂申请只供新生登入,其他学生并不适用。
Returning to Chicago's Chinatown is always full of nostalgia for me. 再回到芝加哥的唐人街于我而言已饱含怀旧的意味。
Returning to a theme he has voiced many times before, the Cambridge University cosmologist said that space-rockets propelled by the kind of matter/antimatter annihilation technology popularised in Star Trek would be needed to help Homo sapiens colonise ho 这位剑桥大学宇宙论者重提他过去曾多次探讨的主题说,「星舰奇航记」中那种广为人知的「物质╱反物质的互相抵消」科技推动的太空火箭,可以用来帮助人类移民到环绕外星球运行的友善行星。

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