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This paper discusses a new statistic algorithm of railway passenger traffic flows by analysing the present data of selling tickets and designs an application model of this statistic algorithm.

This paper discussed the total process of fabrication for big diameter vertical heat exchanger, including mostly tubesheet machining, technics request of tubesheet piecing-up, and weld request of tubesheet-to-shell; measure of machining for square manhole 摘要介绍了大直径立式换热器的制造过程,主要包括管板拼接、加工的工艺要求以及管板与筒体焊接要求;同时对方形人孔的制作及其与筒体的焊接防变形等采取了一定的措施,对管板上端面平面度的要求采取了特殊的加工工艺及检验方法。
This paper discusses realistconcept in painting, trying to distinguish realism as a concept and realism as a historical movement in art. 摘要本文探讨了绘画中的“写实主义”观念,试图将作为观念与作为历史上的艺术运动的“写实主义”区分开来进行理解。
This paper discusses Winner's political philosophy of technology: from autonomous technology to politics of technology and expounds his deep introspection and criticism of modern technology. 摘要温纳的技术政治哲学研究经历过从技术的自主性到技术的政治性,从技术的梦游到技术的民主控制的转变。
This paper discusses a algorithm of file encryption based on random factor. 本文提出一种基于随机码数列的文件加密算法。
This paper discusses a certain class of countermeasures which try to achieve a protection against SSCA by obscuring the relationship between the digits in the digit representation of the secrete key and the sequence of elliptic curve operation. 文中讨论了通过模糊私钥的标量表示和椭圆曲线计算序列的关系来抵抗简单边信道攻击。
This paper discusses a new statistic algorithm of railway passenger traffic flows by analysing the present data of selling tickets and designs an application model of this statistic algorithm. 摘要通过对现行售票服务数据的分析,提出了一种新的列车客流量统计分析算法,并给出了该算法的应用开发模型。
This paper discusses a seperate/connective construction method, which preserves the interfaces for the tespora1y lines and thus will make the whole project simpler and more economic. 对于临时组合运营而将来要一拆为二的线路,在新线建设时就应预留拨接的接口,不必像上海南站站那样从现浇轨道承轨台开始,这样改造拨接将更简单。
This paper discusses amply the relationship between accessible set and predictable set, as well as accessible set and progressive set. 本文较系统地讨论了可及集与可料集,可及集与循序集的关系。
This paper discusses an ideal support service's environment and provides a more practical referenced model by analysing the learners' situation of Distance Education College of East China Normal University and comparing the current state of the constructi 本文通过片华东师范大学网络教育学院学生总体学习情况的分析,结合目前支持服务环境建设的现状,论述了一种比较理想的远程教育中的支持服务环境,并为远程教育领域提供了一种实践性较强的参考模式。
This paper discusses and analyses the keys of cataloging network resources and optical disc resources, which including the selection of sources of information, the judgment of resources type, the description of related note fields, the use of 856 field of 摘要探讨、分析了图书馆网络资源与光盘资源的编目要点,包括:著录信息源的选取、资源类型的判断、相关附注字段的著录、网络资源的856字段(电子资源定位与检索)和光盘资源的载体形态项字段的著录。
This paper discusses and analyzes the description of the structure of products and the sequence of disassembly or assembly used for maintenance,the method of the automatic generation of disassembly/assembly processes. 现对面向维修的产品结构描述、拆/装顺序关系描述和维修工艺的自动生成方法进行了讨论与分析。

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