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A werewolf may try to escape into the natural world, but that realm has also been dying steadily.

A well-tied tie is a first serious step in life. 结得整整齐齐的领带,是人生严肃的第一步。
A well-tied tie is a first serious step in life. 一条整齐得领带,是人生严肃的第一步。
A well-written business letter can make or break your business deal, so read on to become a writing pro! 一封出色的英文商业书信将可能影响一笔生意的成功与否,所以赶快阅读以下相关内容,成为一名写作高手!
A wer: Yes. At the time Officer Bouncer oke to Bob, Bob was not in custody. Thus, Miranda warningswere not required as a condition of admi ibility. 警官在什么情况下无需提出米兰达警告,而取得的证据可作为控诉的依据?
A werewolf changes form when the moon is full. Mostly false. 当月圆的时候,狼人会变身。基本上错了。
A werewolf may try to escape into the natural world, but that realm has also been dying steadily. 一个狼人会试图逃到自然中去,但是那个世界也正在稳步消亡。
A western style dinner has at least three courses: 一顿西式晚餐至少 有三道菜:
A westerner would only question why and how. 西方人可能只会问为什么,怎么了。
A westward direction, point, or region. 西方,西部朝西的方向、地点或地区
A wet Sunday in a country inn! 乡村客栈一个阴雨的星期天!
A wet road is always slippery. 潮湿的路总是滑的.

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