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Along with the development of the intermediary business, how to prevent against its risk is an unavoidable problem.

Along with the development of our society, their economic position and living standard have got obvious improvement, but their political living standard, especially political-participating condition, is not very optimistic. 随着我国社会的发展,虽然其经济地位和生活水平都有了明显的改善,但其政治生活水平,尤其是其政治参与状况却并不十分乐观。
Along with the development of privately operated enterprises, and the need for enhancing management benefit, the privately operated enterprises spontaneously carried out the internal auditing work. 随着民营企业的发展,基于提高自身经营活动的效益性需要,民营企业自发地开展了内部审计工作。
Along with the development of space technology, for continuing human being's civilization, how to divert the space objects from their orbit outside the earth before they land, and how to prevent the attack become the new mission for scientists. 随着太空科技的发展,为了延续人类社会的文明,如何在地球以外使天体偏离入侵地球的轨道,防范外天体的袭击成为了科学家的新命题。
Along with the development of technology, the human beings depend on machine more and more in the social activities. 随着科学技术的发展,人类在社会生活中越来越多的依靠于机器。
Along with the development of the cytobiology and the molecular biology, and thoroughly research of the biophysics, the biochemistry, the genetics and immunology, It has cultivated the modem biological technology, such al genetic engineering, cellular eng 摘要随着细胞生物学和分子生物学的发展及对生物物理、生物化学、遗传学和免疫学研究的深入,培育了基因工程、细胞工程、酶工程、发酵工程等改变生物特性进行物质转化的现代生物技术,形成了DNA探针、PCR技术、分子标记、生物荧光技术、基因芯片技术等前沿性的生物检测技术,其在乳品工业中的广泛应用,推动了乳业的技术变革,对乳品生产、研究和乳品安全意义重大。
Along with the development of the intermediary business, how to prevent against its risk is an unavoidable problem. 摘要随着中间业务的发展,其风险的防范也势在必行。
Along with the development of the jury system, the complexity and inscrutability of jury trial have led to the emergence and prosperity of many other ways of case settlement. 随着陪审制度的发展,其自身的复杂性和不可预测性成为导致其他结案方式产生并蓬勃发展的重要因素。
Along with the development of the marketing economy and the china's entering into the WTO,the individually-run enterprises of china are faced with the growing intense market competition. under this circumstance,the needs of all kinds of qualified people o 随着市场经济的不断发展以及中国加入WTO,我国的民营企业正面临着日趋激烈的市场竞争,在这种形势下,企业对各种类型人才的需求逐渐增大,而民营企业人力资源管理制度的不健全已经成为企业发展的‘瓶颈’。
Along with the dramatic increases of countervailing enquiries confronted by our country's export trading and the successive establishment of China's complete market economy, some of our country's existing allowance measures has been becoming real damages 摘要随着我国外贸出口面临的反补贴调查情况剧增和中国完全市场经济地位的逐步确立,我国现存的某些产业补贴措施的影响,正在由潜在危胁转化为现实危害。
Along with the ecological and energy-saving trend of construction development,diangong solar applies light-heat conversion technique to realize the integrated air conditioning system of water heating.heating and refrigerating.It co centralizes large area 产品介绍:电工太阳能顺应生态节能建筑发展潮流,以太阳能光热转化技术实现热水/供暖/制准予一体化空调系统工程应用,采用大面积太阳能集热器采集中高温热水,为家庭或单位用记提供全方位热水供应,在冬季利用太阳能热水进行地板或风机供暖,解决冬季取暖问题,在夏季利用太阳能热水,通过电工独立开发的商效能热水制冷机组进行制冷,集成太阳能一体化空调系统,系统配备辅助能源,全天候自动运行,高效,安全、环保、节能、经济,在家中享受阳光自然的舒适健康生活。
Along with the entries,please send any documentation in electronic form recorded on CD-ROM. File Technical Parameters: A4 size, 350dpi (CMYK images), TIFF format. 请提交每件作品的电子文件或效果照片,存储在光盘中提交。电子文件格式请采用A4幅面大小的TIFF文件。

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