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He gave the discus a tremendous heave.

He gave the ball a tremendous boot . 他重重地踢了这球一脚.
He gave the boss a direct answer. 他给了老板一个直接的答案。
He gave the boy a real belting. 他用皮带把那个孩子着实打了一顿。
He gave the boy's ear a painful tweak. 他用力拧了一下那男孩的耳朵.
He gave the commencement address at West Point today where he told the graduating class that the country is counting on them to defend the homeland. 他在西点军校毕业典礼上的致辞告诫毕业生,他们被指望保卫国土的使命。
He gave the discus a tremendous heave. 他猛一使劲掷出铁饼。
He gave the dog a vicious blow with his stick. 他用手杖恶狠狠地打了那条狗一顿。
He gave the horse a smart blow. 他给那马很厉害的一拳。
He gave the little boy a clout on the head. 他在那小男孩的头部打了一下。
He gave the movie a lashing. 他猛烈地抨击那部电影。
He gave the old lady his arm (ie allowed the old lady to lean on his arm) as they crossed the road. 他让老太太挽著他的胳膊过马路.

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