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Bourbon with soda water, please.

Bouquet: Zing with intense aromas of passionfruit mingled with elegant honeysuckle and a smokey mineral character. 气味:芳香扑鼻,有活跃而香浓的番石榴味,以及优雅的金银花和烟熏矿物的香味。
Bouquet:Beguiling aromas of unipe fruit and flowers balance perfectly.Taste:The acidity and the residual sugar integrate well to caress the palate gently.leaving an after-taste of the Prosecco. 特色:香气:极其均衡的水果香和花香。口感:在口中可以感受到酸味和残留的糖分的完美结合,余味有普劳塞考葡萄的味道。
Bouquet:Intense, fruity, aromatic, with scents of wisteria.Taste:Extremely pleasant, with a lightly nutty finish. 特色:香气:香气强烈,有果香和紫藤花香。口感:非常怡人,余味有少许干果味。
Bourbon and branch is a drink prepared in a highball glass made with bourbon and spring water. 这款鸡尾酒是把波本威士忌和纯净水倒在高球杯里。
Bourbon is distilled primarily from what grain? 美国波本威士忌主要是由什么谷物蒸馏而成的?
Bourbon with soda water, please. 请给我波本酒加苏打水。
Bourbon with soda water,please. 请给我波本酒加苏打水。
Bourdieu, P. (1990) Trans Nice, R. The Logic of Practice. Oxford: Polity Press. 蒋梓骅译(第1版;2003),实践感,南京:译林出版社。
Bourdieu, P. (with Wacquant, L.J.D.) (1992) An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology. Oxford: Polity Press. 李猛,李康译(第1版;1998),实践与反思:反思社会学导引,北京:中央编译出版社。
Bourgeois believes the war on terrorism has taken a toll on King's nonviolent vision. 他说,反恐战争显然违背和伤害了金的非暴力运动理念。
Bourgeois, the conservative or ultra democratic, view with one another in heaping slanders cobweb, ignoring it, answering only when extreme necessity compelled him. 资产阶级,无论是保守派,还是极端民主派,都纷纷争先恐后地诽谤他,诅咒他。

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