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They can occur as spoilage organisms and some are pathogenic causing infections.

They can not bear the oppressive treatment. 他们不能容忍这种不公平的待遇。
They can not enjoy the beauty and benefit from every moment, but become weak because of depletion. 他们无法享受每一刻的美丽和益处,却因为殚精竭虑而变得脆弱。
They can not help to clean the classroom. 他们不能帮忙打扫教室。
They can not only be worn as a skirt, but also as a strapless dress, best accessorized with a thick, weaved, leather belt slung loosely around the waist to avoid looking frumpy. 它们不仅仅可以当裙子穿,还可以作为无吊带的长裙穿,最好是配上一条粗厚的皮质编织腰带,松垮地挂在腰际当装饰,这样看起来就不会有落伍之感。
They can not recover after a setback, and even walk up on the way to crime. “他们将会一蹶不振,甚至走上犯罪的道路”怎么翻译?
They can occur as spoilage organisms and some are pathogenic causing infections. 作为腐生菌,它可能损害生物机体并具有一定致病性和传染性。
They can occur at any age, but most commonly between the fifth and seventh decade of life. 在任何年纪都可能发生,常见于50到70岁之间。
They can often be used to remove fine or shallow scratches and swirls, but they will not remove any scratch that is deep enough to place your fingernail into. 它们通常可去除浅的或螺旋纹,但它们不能去除深度的划痕,即你用手指可感触得到的。
They can only guess at the causes of the sharp rise in the cost of living. 我们只能猜测生活费用急剧上升的原因。
They can only secure momentary happiness. 他们只能获得暂时的幸福。
They can open new 11) bank accounts and write 12) checks in your name. 用您的名字开立新的银行帐户并且开支票。

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