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Especially after the tax rebate policy was introduced and the industrial policies were adjusted, the export processing zones began to show greater attraction to the export-oriented enterprises.

Especially Gadamer's hermeneutics has promoted a huge progress in traditional language interpretation. 它们对外语教学影响巨大,尤其是迦达默尔的解释学理论推动了传统语言理解观的飞跃。
Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful, and to believe that as I give to the world, so the world will give to me. 尤其我不会再害怕享受美丽的事物,并且相信我给予世界的,世界也会给予我。
Especially after Bush took the reign in 2001, the United States almost no longer puts forward any requirements for improving the trading tieto the Japanese government. 特别是2001年布什上台后,美国几乎不再对日本政府提出任何改善经贸关系的要求。
Especially after Marilyn Furguson wrote in her book The Aquarian Conspiracy that the fraternity dedicated to this philosophy constituted a worldwide network. 尤其是玛丽琳·弗古森写了《宝瓶密谋》,对这种哲学的喜爱构成了一个世界范围的网络。
Especially after combined with clinic chemical examination and other new technology,ultrasonography shows more superiority.Now,it also plays an important role in therapy and prognosis assessment. 近年来,超声技术发展很快,尤其在与临床检验和其他新技术结合方面使超声显像更具优势,其在前列腺癌的治疗及预后评估方面也发挥着非常大的作用。
Especially after the tax rebate policy was introduced and the industrial policies were adjusted, the export processing zones began to show greater attraction to the export-oriented enterprises. 特别是中国退税政策及产业政策调整后,出口加工区对出口型企业将具有更大的吸引力。
Especially aiming at the asymmetric structure of the cast, the allocation of aluminous liquid during the filling process was presented and the concept of structure mass fraction was inducted. 针对铸件的不对称结构提出了充型过程中铝液的分配问题,引入结构质量分数的概念。
Especially at present the formal legislation of social security of our country under the condition of having not enacted, the administrative law enforcement of the labor department of social security becomes current protect worker legal rights and interes 在我国社会保障正式立法尚未出台的情况下,劳动社会保障部门的行政执法成为当前保护劳动者合法权益、保障整个社会保险体系有效实施的重要保证。
Especially combined with a tripod, this is a great way of working. 尤其和三角架结合使用,这真是种伟大的工作方式。
Especially companies involved with subprime loans. 特别是对那些参与次级贷款的公司。
Especially declare: Participate in motorcade team member must apply for second accounts (the name must begin with KOK + chinese, Do not use english please) unify to the blue dark girl of personages, and practise the rank to L3 of the small size rank ! 特别声明:凡参加车队队员必须申请小号(名字必须以KOK开头+汉字,请不要使用英文)统一人物蓝色黑妞,并且将小号等级一周内练至L3级别,否则视为自动退队(特殊原因请与队长联系)!

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