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Application and Research of Roll Forging Technologyto the Production of Spanner and Pliers

Application TCP/IP Realize RICS/000 and PC Connect Network of Bank Electronics Remit Money and Pay Cash System 银行电子汇兑系统应用TCP/IP实现RISC/000主机与PC机联网
Application Test of Fight a Drought Water-retaining Agentia for Peanut and Sweet Potato Crop Rotation in Dryland 抗旱保水剂在旱地花生和甘薯轮作制上的应用试验
Application and Development on Condor's Checkpoint Mechanism CONDOR系统检查点机制的应用与开发
Application and Principle of Encode 编码器原理及应用
Application and Realization of Adaptive Erodent Algorithm in Spheral Target Segmentation 自适应腐蚀模板在球形目标分割中的应用及实现
Application and Research of Roll Forging Technologyto the Production of Spanner and Pliers 辊锻工艺在扳钳工具生产中的应用
Application and development of the bifocal lenses design 双焦镜片的设计、应用和开发
Application and evaluation of BECKMAN CX_ DELTA in determing total protein in urine and cerebrospinal fluid BECK MAN CX_ DELTA检测脑脊液和尿液总蛋白的应用与评价
Application and maintenance of padder 浅析轧车使用及维护
Application for an Improved New Orleans Method 一种改进的新奥尔良法及其应用
Application of immunofluorescence to C_ /C_ attribute identification of a tropical crop, Coffea arabica 荧光抗体在热带作物小粒种咖啡的C_ /C_属性鉴别中的应用

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