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The northeastern state of Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the United States.

The north wind whistling blows, likes is warning us: Winter comes!This time creek, is much more static. The creek already entered the dreamland. 北风呼呼地吹来,像在警告我们:“冬天来啦!”此时的小河,静得可怕。小河已经进入了梦乡。
The north's campaign there, however, appears increasingly futile. 然而,北方在那里的行动显得越发不足道。
The northeast in China in Jilin. 吉林在中国的东北。
The northeast wind was blowing hard at that time. 那时候东北风刮得正紧。
The northeast, for example, had heavy rainfall during the same period. 例如东北,在同样阶段有大雨。
The northeastern state of Vermont is the leading producer of maple syrup in the United States. 美国东北部佛特蒙州是槭树糖浆的主要产地。
The northern border state of Chihuahua suffers from one of the highest rates of teen-age pregnancy in the country, with 20 percent of babies being born to mothers aged 19 or younger, Huidobro said. 报道说,地处墨西哥北部紧邻墨美边境的奇瓦瓦州长期以来一直是该国青少年未婚先孕比率最高的地区之一,当地20%的新生婴儿的母亲年龄不超过19岁。
The northern end of their image corresponds to one of the radar-imaged seas. 图像的北端同雷达描绘出的海洋中的一个相符。
The northern face of the mountain is almost vertical. 这座山向北的一面几乎是垂直的。
The northern lights result from an unusual weather phenomenon that creates bright colors in the night sky. 北极光由一种不寻常的天气现象所形成,使黑夜的空中出现明亮的色彩。
The northern part is suffering from drought. 北部地区发生旱情。

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