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The Doberman Pinscher, Siberian Husky and Great Dane are included in this Group, to name just a few.

The Disturbance of qi and blood refers to a morbid state caused by deficiency and dysfunction of qi and blood, and the breakdown of their interdependent relationship. 气血紊乱指的是气血亏虚、功能失调和相互依赖关系崩溃导致的一种病理状态。
The Division of Cardiovascular Surgery can provide perfect service for such patients who need operation for coronary artery disease, valvular heart disease, myocardial disease, congenital heart disease, cardiac tumor and different kinds of vascular diseas 本科能够对需要手术的心脏病患者提供最好的医疗服务,其中包括冠状动脉疾病(如狭心症、心肌梗塞),瓣膜性心脏病,各种先天性心脏病,心脏肿瘤,各种不同的血管疾病及心脏血管外伤,都能得到良好的结果并深获社会各界的好评。
The Dixie Chicks dominated the 49th annual Grammy Awards Sunday, sweeping all five categories they were up for. 美国南方小鸡于本周日捧得第49届格莱美奖,她们捧得了她们竞逐的所有5个奖项。
The DoJ's inquiry into possibly anticompetitive behaviour, reported in the Wall Street Journal, is informal at this stage, and lawyers say proving collusion in club transactions is likely to be difficult. 《华尔街日报》所报道的司法部对可能存在的反竞争行为的调查,现在还是非正式的,而据律师称,要证明集团交易中的串通行为是很难的。
The Dobby Jessica Mitford knew is only fleetingly mentioned and would not necessarily stand out in a reader's memory - not in a pre-Potter world, anyway! 如果你用原子弹替代伏地魔,那么那种恐怖的气氛,自我中心与偏见,那些面色苍白无法找到工作的人群,加上那些争取最底层普通民众提名的人民党政治家们,这一切看上去是如此熟悉。
The Doberman Pinscher, Siberian Husky and Great Dane are included in this Group, to name just a few. 笃宾、西伯利亚雪橇、大丹都属于工作犬,从它们的名字就能看出来。
The Doctor gives a sheepish grin and says, I should have told you yesterday!!! 医生苦笑一声:“我应该昨天告诉你这些的。”
The Doctor of Philosophy is the highest degree in the area of the sciences and humanities. 在理科和人文学科领域里,哲学博士士最高学位。
The Doctorate of Business Administration has the same academic standing as a PhD. 工商管理学博士课程有着和其它博士课程同等的学术学位。
The Document Object Model (DOM) can be used with XUL elements to get information about them or modify them. 文物物件化模型,简称(DOM)主要用途是被用来得到XUL的元素资讯或改变里面的项目。
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language neutral Application Programming Interface (API) that allows programs to access and update the content, structure, and style of a document. 文档对象模型(DOM)是允许对文档内容、结构、风格进行访问和更新的程序平台和语言中立应用程序接口。

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