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Get the bundle off my back; it's really weighing me down.

Get that junk food off the table, will you! 你给我将那件破烂食物从桌上拿开!
Get the Dodge Radio you need at an affordable price, from a large dependable network of Dodge junk yards and Dodge salvage yards nationwide. 得到您需要以一个付得起的价格的道奇收音机,从道奇破烂物围场和道奇抢救围场一个大可靠的网络全国性。
Get the Receiver to log redelivered messages. 获得重发的日志和消息。
Get the address where the first byte of the file is mapped into memory. 并将文件的数据作为映射到该区域的物理存储器进行提交。
Get the ball in their half of the field and make the back four work; they've had it easy for far too long now. 在他们的半场得到球,使得他们四个后卫逼抢;他们很长一段时候似乎过得太好了。
Get the bundle off my back; it's really weighing me down. 把我背上的包裹拿下来,它真要把我压垮了。
Get the hell out of here! 滚开!
Get the input method name list current installed. 获取当前用户使用的输入法列表.字符串列表.
Get the latest information on the incubation industry in Asia and Oceania. Presenters will give reports on the history, current trends and state of the industry in their regions. 获得最新关于亚洲和大洋洲的孵化器信息。主持人将提供关于这些地区孵化器历史,现状及政府状态的报告。
Get the latest information on the incubation industry in South Korea, China and Chinese Taipei. 获得最新关于韩国,中国,中国台北的孵化器信息。
Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house. 把我衬衫上的老鼠扔出去。

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