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“Is Hai Xi Xi a cadre?” I asked him while pasting the sew, “Yesterday he went to pick us up, we think he is a cadre?

“Inspiration comes from nature, the most importance of service is realize”, “Leading current, Overstep vogue”. “灵感源于自然,服务重在实现”,“引领潮流、超越时尚”。
“Instead, I will move further away to ascertain whether the overproduction in historiography has its counterpart in a considerable part of present-day civilization and society. 应作「反之,我将进一步离开上述方向,而去弄清楚史学中的过度生产,是否在现今文明与社会的相当一部分领域里也有对应的状况。」
“Introducing music to children before the age of three would solidify the neural connections and that connecting these neurons would infant, increase spatial reasoning capabilities of a child. 3岁以前让孩子接触音乐,能形成神经元的联结,这种联结可以孕育和增强孩子的思考推想能力。
“Investing in more plants is one of the most cost-effective ways of raising staff morale. “在办公室内投资放置更多植物是提高员工士气的最省钱的途径之一。”
“Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors” (Thomas H. Huxley). “无理性地推崇真理往往比合理的错误更有害。”(托马斯·H·赫胥黎)。
“Is Hai Xi Xi a cadre?” I asked him while pasting the sew, “Yesterday he went to pick us up, we think he is a cadre? 谢队长笑出了声,我却不明白这有什么可笑的。停了一会儿,他又说:“今夜黑发工资,明天休息。你们想走个哪达儿,也行。”
“Is he allergic to feathers? “他对羽毛会不会过敏?”
“Is it because there they are more respectful of our tradition? 是否因为他们更加尊重咱们的承传?
“Is it true?” he said. “They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it? “是真的吗?”他问,“整列火车上的人都在纷纷议论,说哈利-波特在这个隔间里。这么说,那就是你了,对论坛?”
“Is it your puppy??” My beloved holds that fluffy dog in his arms. Oh, poor little one, it doesn't know how dangerous he is. Wagging its tail so enthusiastic. 「这是你的小狗??」亲爱的抱著那只毛绒绒的小狗。喔!!可怜的小家伙,牠还不晓得他有多恐怖呢!!尾巴摇得这麽热情。
“Is that a cat?” asked Anderson. “Or is there a madman in the room next door? “是猫吗?”安德森打了个激灵,不安地问到,“还是隔壁住着个疯子?”

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