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Prospero had found this Caliban in the woods, a strange twisted thing , far less like a man than an ape.

Prosperity is the fruit of labor. 繁荣是劳动的果实。
Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them. 富裕招致朋友,困苦考验朋友。
Prosperity makes friends, adversity tries them. 富贵交友易,患难显真情。
Prosperity makes friends, and adversity tries them. 顺境交的朋友,逆境接受考验。
Prosperity: Never give up. You will regain momentum. 繁荣:决不放弃,你将会恢复动力.
Prospero had found this Caliban in the woods, a strange twisted thing , far less like a man than an ape. 布劳斯佩洛在树林中曾发现卡利巴,一个有怪癖的东西,三分像人七分像猿。
Prosperous or depressed, remember this song. 春风得意,或是忧郁低沉时,请记得这首歌。
Prosperous shop of food and beverage where the network of deep kitchen will recommend Shenzhen famous table delicacies and businesses to prevail every week, set up one and exchange the platform for table delicacies fans, make the prosperous shop give full 深厨网每周将推荐深圳有名的美食和生意火爆的餐饮旺店,为美食爱好者建立一个交流平台,使旺店充分发挥自己的经营理念。
Prosrom Lighting will be assiduous in its efforts to lighten a new world, develop and flourish together with lighting industry in the world, and create a better life for human being. 惠光照明将专注于照亮一个新的世界,与世界照明行业一起发展,共同繁荣,为人类创造更加美好的生活。
Prostaglandin is the dilation of blood vessels and inhibit platelet function. 前列腺素具有扩张血管和抑制血小板作用。
Prostate (PGI2) is stronger blood vessels and the expansion of the role of platelet inhibition, But because of the short half-life, performance instability, clinical efficacy not sure. 前列腺环素(PGI2)具有更强的扩张血管和抑制血小板作用,但因其半衰期短,性能不稳定,临床应用疗效不肯定。

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