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As requested, we inclose the product's samples of pictures and introduction.

As requested by Upasaka Pu below, I had composed a Supplication to Kurukulla in Chinese. It is attached. 应卜居士以下的提请,我已以中文写成古鲁古里佛母启请颂。档案附呈。
As requested in your letter dated October 12, we sent you the samples by air parcel on October 20. 回复您在十月十二日的要求,我们在十月廿日用空运包裹寄给您样品。
As requested, the machine can produce the tending napkin pad for patient and pregnant woman. 根据要求可改产生产病人、产妇看护垫产品。
As requested, we are enclosing a copy of the relative descriptive leaflet and price list which you may be of interest to you. 依照贵方要求,现随函附上有关说明书目录及价目各一份,谅感兴趣。
As requested, we are sending you herewith a sample of Art. No.123 for your reference. 按照要求,随函附上货号为123号的样品以供参考。
As requested, we inclose the product's samples of pictures and introduction. 您在来信中提到的产品的图片及简介都在附件里。
As requested,we are enclosing our company brochure. 按贵方要求,兹附上我公司宣传手册。
As requested,we are sending you under separate cover two copies of our Invoice No.6689,two copies of Insur-ance Policy No.5629 and one copy of non-negotiable B/L No. 2030 covering the consignment of 1,200 bales cloth for your Order No.5757 under our Contr 按要求,我们另封寄上我方第92838号合同项下贵方第5757号订单所订1200包灰布的有关单据,即第6687号发票两份,第5629号保险单两份,第2030号不可转让提单一份。
As required for all subcomponents of total fat, the trans fat declaration must be indented and separated by a hairline with the amount expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 gram increment for amounts less than 5 grams, and to the nearest gram 作为全部脂肪的所有部分来要求,反式脂肪声明必须缩进并以细微处分开,总量按公斤表达每份接近0.5公斤的增量,总量低于5公斤,对于总量高于5公斤来说,为最接近的公斤数。
As researchers learn more about the challenges posed by prions—which can incubate without symptoms for years, even decades—they uncover strategies that could better forestall epidemics. 普恩蛋白疾病的潜伏期可长达数年甚至数十年之久,而在研究人员更加了解普恩蛋白带来的挑战后,他们找到了更好的方法,可以用来防範大流行。
As researching the relation of entirety need and individual preference order, the paper indicates that individual preference order will tend to as same as entirety preference order in order to keep its stability and development if individual is rational a 摘要研究整体偏好次序和个体偏好次序的关系发现,当整体中的个体具有学习能力和理性时,个体为了自身的稳定存在和发展,其偏好次序会自发地向整体偏好次序趋同。

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