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Abstract: For the linear weighted regression model, influence measure of covariance matr ix perturbation and estimate efficiency of regression parameter have been analyz ed on the basis of the regression diagnosis, and the lower bounds of the two eff icie

Abstract: For quick understanding the states of embedded places of instruments and their operation conditions so as to find and handle problems in time,by helping of some typical illustrations ,the problems of drawing complex safety-monitoring engineering 文摘:为使监测人员快速、及时了解仪器埋设部位的状况及运行情况,发现问题及时处理,通过列举典型例子,利用EXCEL通用软件,重点解决了绘制复杂安全监测工程图表问题:即同一图中两条以上曲线分别对应两个不同纵坐标;自变量与因变量位置交换;数据系列起始点或监测频次不同;变形监测控制网绘制等。
Abstract: For that the situation needed strategy of Wuweigoverning and that HUANG Lao's Wuweilay emphasis on ruling of law which was advantagious to the re-establishment of social order,maintained less tax paid and made people rich to develop economy. 文摘:道家黄老无为而治的政治思想,第一次登上政治舞台,作为治国安民的指导思想,在西汉前期的社会经济的重建中,取得了极为显著的成效。
Abstract: For the changing international banking, one thing is certain that New Basel Capital Accord will he implemented all over the world in next years. 摘要纵观国际银行业,巴塞尔新资本协议在未来几年内全球范围实施已成定局。
Abstract: For the diffculties met in the long-distance transportation of primary explosive and special quantity detonators can be nowhere purchased, the common preparation primary explosive and special quantity detonator are introduced, and the testing re 文摘:由于起爆药不能长途运输以及特殊药量的雷管无处购买,就实验室条件下,对常用的起爆药及特殊药量雷管的自制方法及测定猛炸药爆轰感度的结果进行了讨论。
Abstract: For the disc brake system on a drilling rig, reliable performance and good technological characteristic are required. 文摘:石油钻机配置盘式刹车制动系统的基本原则是制动系统工作可靠且具有良好的工艺特性。
Abstract: For the linear weighted regression model, influence measure of covariance matr ix perturbation and estimate efficiency of regression parameter have been analyz ed on the basis of the regression diagnosis, and the lower bounds of the two eff icie 文摘:针对线性加权回归模型,从统计诊断的角度分析了协方差阵扰动的影响度量和回归系数的估计效率,并给出了2种效率的下界.
Abstract: For the vision of locomotive simulator, a method using imageprocessing and graphic overlay to simulate weather changes is proposed. 文摘:对于用实景录制的机车驾驶仿真器的视景,该文提出了用图象处理加图形叠加的方法来模拟视景中天气状况的改变。
Abstract: Forming a world-top commercial street consists of 3 important aspects: firstly, organizing the 6 key elements organically, that is rich history, unique architecture, comprehensive functions, noted stores, convenient facilities and sound relation 摘要:世界一流商业街的形成过程包括3个重要内容:一是有机地组合六大关键要素,具体包括丰富的历史、独特的建筑、综合化的功能、知名的店铺、便捷的设施和良好的政企关系;二是科学确定3个维度,包括商业街的长度、宽度和高度;三是搞好一个定位,包括圈定目标顾客和进行特色定位。
Abstract: From a historical speculation of the development of international navigation, the thesis, by tracing back to Zheng He's great feat of seven trips to the western seas, looks in to the future development trend on nautical technology in the 21st ce 提要:从世界航海事业发展的历史考量中,追述伟大航海家郑和七下西洋的不朽功绩,展望新世纪航海技术的发展趋势。
Abstract: From both practical and theoretical points of view, discussions were performed on role of eco-agriculture in the construction of ecological demonstration areas as well as on definition and connotation of, and technical strategies and development 文摘:从实践和理论两个方面探讨了生态示范区建设中生态农业的地位、生态农业产业化的定义、内涵、技术对策及发展方向。
Abstract: From radioactive equilibrium of natural radioactive decay series and content of several radioactive constituents, the formula for estimating activity of uranium ore and solid waste is derived and a case study on treatment engineering of decommis 文摘:根据天然放射性衰变系列的平衡关系,推出了通过若干个而非全部放射性组分的监测数据来计算铀矿石和固体废弃物中放射性活度的公式,给出了临沧铀矿退役治理工程的估算实例。

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