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From view of the relation between the collation of Liuxiang and spread of the ancient works, we should tread these documents before the collation of Liuxiang with the concept of classification.

From top to bottom, you will love this new feeling that will completely overwhelm the new you. 你将爱上这种新的感觉那将完全地淹没新的你。
From transistor to transistor, that thickness must not vary by more than one or two atoms. 从一颗电晶体到另一颗电晶体之间,绝缘层的厚度变化必须控制在一至二颗原子之间。
From two sides of the design and construction, this paper expatiates the disposal of water supply and drainage pipelines, how to choose the pipe, the disposal of pump room and how to diminish the vibrancy of the pump groups. 从设计和施工两方面出发,论述了给排水管道的布置、给排水管材的选用及给水泵房的减振隔声等内容。
From two thousand feet he tried again, rolling into his dive, beak straight down, wings full out and stable from the moment he passed fifty miles per hour. 他又在二千呎的高空试了一次,一等时速超过五十哩,他就翻身俯冲,尖喙笔直朝下,翅膀全部张开,稳住不动。
From vegetarianism to high protein diets, there are many different and often conflicting ideas of what a healthy diet includes. 从素食主义到高蛋白饮食,关于健康饮食所包含的元素有很多不同而冲突的论点。
From view of the relation between the collation of Liuxiang and spread of the ancient works, we should tread these documents before the collation of Liuxiang with the concept of classification. 摘要从刘向校书与古籍流传之间关系来看,应以“类”的观念对待刘向校书前的诸子文献。
From watchtower to fortified city, he defeated the Philistines, as far as Gaza and its territory. 8希西家攻击非利士人,直到迦萨,并迦萨的四境,从了望楼到坚固城。
From what I know, it is a practical plan. 就我所知,这是一个很实际的计划。
From what I learned at the symposium on China, India and the EU, China is a two tier system and there are approximately 72 universities under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education. 在参加关于中国、印度、欧盟这些地区的学术研讨会时,我了解到中国有两套教育体系,其中大概有72所是其教育部直属高校。
From what I understand, though, TWTR is strong in the in-home install biz (it is increasing the number of employees in this area by 25% this year), which is a higher margin area that electronics retailers are increasingly looking to get into to boost grow 但是,从我的理解来看,TWTR在室内安装领域拥有优势(今年该公司在这一业务领域增雇了25%的员工),这是一个高盈利领域,电子产品零售商对此也日益关注,希望藉此推进其成长。
From what I was able to glean, it appears they don't intend to take any action yet. 从我所蒐集的资料判断,显示他们还不打算采取任何行动。

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