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Abstract based on nine-time investigation of current eutrophication status of Lake Taihu during 1994-1995,this paper evaluated the trophic levels in the different periods and analyzed the development of the main nurtient content in the nearest 35 years.

Abstract This article mainly analyzes the accounting information main users scope limits. 摘要:本文主要分析会计信息主要使用者的范围界定。
Abstract This paper gives two kinds of single operational amplifer ? current-mode active filter circuits. They can realize lowpass, highpass and ? bandpass without changing circuit topology and element. 摘要提出两种使用单运放的电流型滤波电路,每种电路均可同时实现带通、低通和高通滤波功能.
Abstract With the development of the modern information technology and popularization of the network technology, have introduced the network teaching of course for the development which met the times, Ministry of Education proposed exquisite course constr 摘要随着现代信息技术的发展和网络技术的普及,为了适应时代的发展引入了课程的网络教学,2003年教育部提出了精品课程建设,精品课程建设成为高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程的重要组成部分,是高等学校提高教学和人才培养质量与水平的一项重要工作。
Abstract art is an acquired taste. 抽象派艺术要慢慢才会欣赏.
Abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art at all. 抽象艺术因为无法表达任何东西因此根本不能被称为艺术。
Abstract based on nine-time investigation of current eutrophication status of Lake Taihu during 1994-1995,this paper evaluated the trophic levels in the different periods and analyzed the development of the main nurtient content in the nearest 35 years. 摘要在1994-1995年太湖9次富营养化现状调查基础上,评价了太湖各期营养程度,并分析了35年来主要营养物含量发展趋势。
Abstract concepts and realistic situations rendered in a wild, painterly pastel sketch style. 彩色蜡笔草图风格的或抽象概念或真实描绘的野生动物主题。
Abstract expressionism is probably the best known of all. 抽象主义恐怕是最有名的画派。
Abstract paintings don't appeal to me much. 抽象派画不怎么能引起我的兴趣.
Abstract :The luminous efficien is the key parameter of electric light sources energy2saving performance. 摘要:光效是电光源节能性能的关键参数。
Abstract1 The mineral resources of Chai damu basin is quite abundant, but due to that it has been in vulgar management, the efficiency of exploiting and comprehensive reciprocation from resources are low. 摘要柴达木盆地矿产资源丰富,但开发利用效率低,基本上是粗放式经营,资源综合回收率低。

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