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There was no bus then. We had to walk home instead.

There was no answer but peal after peal of laughter. 什么回答也没有,只有一阵接一阵的狂笑。
There was no association between the other exposures and leucopenia or neutropenia. 其馀的职业暴露和白血球减少并无显著的相关性。
There was no bent stress. 【Conclusion】 The stress distribution of the mandibular complete overdenture supported by implants with magnetic attachments was suitable for the biomechanical needs of implant and was benefit to implant success. 磁性固位种植义齿的种植体应力分布符合生物力学要求,有利于种植体的长期成功。
There was no better time to test for ethical conduct than during such a dire economic crisis and the scramble to survive. 在如此严重的经济危机与力求生存之际,正是测试个人职业道德的最佳时机。
There was no binocular diplopia or other complications. 术后无双眼复视及其他后遗症。
There was no bus then. We had to walk home instead. 那时候已经没有公共汽车了,我们只好走路回家。
There was no defence against them. 没有什么可以防御原子弹。
There was no denying the quality of his finish though after Richards had capped a thrilling burst by slipping a pass inside Pander, to provide Lampard with the chance to flash home his 13th England goal. 不能否认他在接里查兹恐怖的爆发摆脱潘德尔后的传球而打入的进球的品质,这个机会使兰帕德为英格兰打入了他的第13粒进球.
There was no difference in IQ score between strict vegetarians and those who said they were vegetarian but who said they ate fish or chicken, the researchers add. 研究人员发现4.5%的受测者为素食者。其中2.5%为严格素食主义者,33.6%称自己是素食者,但是吃鱼和鸡。
There was no difference in IQ score between strict vegetariansandthose who said they were vegetarian but who said they ate fishorchicken, the researchers add. 研究人员说这二者的智商并没有差距。
There was no discrimination between homosexual and heterosexual cohabiting couples as far as the tax regime was concerned. 就税收体制而言,不存在同性同居夫妇和异性同居夫妇之间的歧视。

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