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Experimental result approves the performance of the algorithm.

Experimental methods focus on measurement and analysis of thermally driven and wind-driven airflows, lighting intensity and glare, and heat flow and thermal storage. 实验方法的重点包括下列数据的量测与分析:由热或风所引起的气流、照明强度和眩光、热流和热储存。
Experimental platform is an important base for re-allocation and optimization of teaching resources, recombination of the resource, enhancement of the information management, promotion of academic development, cultivation of the talent innovation. 摘要高校实验平台是重组教学资源、优化资源配置、实现资源共享、加强信息管理、促进学科发展、培养创新型人才的重要基地。
Experimental plots were established for thinning effects on stand and tree growth, tree species composition, species diversity and soil factors etc. in the mixed larch-spruce-fir stands which originated from planted larch pure forest by observations for 1 摘要以15块人工落叶松纯林演化后形成的落叶松云冷杉混交林为对象,间伐后12年观测结果,研究间伐对林分和树木生长、树种组成、物种多样性及土壤等因子的影响。
Experimental projects will be conducted in ocean engineering laboratories illustrating concepts taught in class, including ship resistance and model testing, lift and drag forces on submerged bodies, and vehicle propulsion. 在海洋工程实验室中的实验计画将辅以解释课堂间所教授的概念,包括船阻及模组测试、沈体之升力及拖曳力及载具推进力。
Experimental researches on operating characteristics of three-electrode repetitive gas switch were performed on the accelerator CHP01, and experimental results were analyzed. 摘要以CHP01,加速器为实验平台,对自行研制的重复频率三电极气体开关的工作特性开展了实验研究,并对实验结果进行了分析。
Experimental result approves the performance of the algorithm. 试验结果证实了算法的性能。
Experimental result shows that the layout of the capillary tubes along the down slope at a rational gradient and increase of the inlet pressure are helpful to improve the uniformity of capillary tubes. 试验结果表明,将毛管铺设成恰当的顺流下坡坡度或提高入口压力均可提高毛管的滴灌均匀度。
Experimental result shows the algorithm has nearly the same edge preserving performance as nonlinear multiwavelet transform, and nearly the same speckle noise suppression performance as filtering. 此算法对原图像进行多小波变换,然后在不同尺度,不同方向进行自适应阈值处理,仿真结果表明:本算法能够有效地抑制了斑点噪声,又保留有用信号及边缘信息。
Experimental results accomplished with the Monte Carlo method show that the united association algorithm is applicable to marine target tracking. 蒙特卡罗模拟实验结果表明,该方法稳定性较强,适合于对海上船舶等遥感图像目标的持续跟踪。
Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed vision measurement method for the lateral deviation error can achieve the cm-level real-time accuracy on the general road with low gradient under the condition of near view, which can satisfy the measurem 试验表明,所提出的横向偏差测量方法在近视野情况下对于坡度不大的一般道路可以取得厘米级的实时测量精度,能够满足多传感器组合导航对横向偏差测量的要求。
Experimental results demonstrated that our random routing algorithm has lower latency, lower power consumption, and can provide on-chip communication with high reliability. 实验结果表明,该算法具有较短的延迟,较低的功耗,并能提供高可靠的片上通信。

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