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SAN FRANCISCO - NASA plans to dispatch a hulking nuclear-powered spacecraft to determine whether three of Jupiter's icy, planet-sized moons have the potential to harbor life.

SAN DIEGO - The beige stucco townhouses and palm-lined cul-de-sacs of San Diego County exude a quiet tranquility, but that demeanor hides a difficult reality: Even after a sharp housing slowdown, cities in California are still America's least affordable p 圣迭戈——在圣迭戈,米色拉毛粉饰的联排别墅,座落在棕榈树成行的道路尽头的住宅,处处体现幽远静谧,然而这种表象之下的事实却让人难以接受:在遭遇美国楼市的急剧下挫后,加州诸多城市的房价依旧是全美之最。
SAN DIEGO -- The back end of a bullpen can be a fluid place, with roles changing based on performance and not always well-defined. 圣地牙哥讯-牛棚的后段班是一个容易变动的位置,救援投手常因表现的优劣而变动,没有人有把握站稳牛棚.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Cisco Systems Inc., the world's largest maker of equipment that directs Internet traffic , on Wednesday said its quarterly net income surged 76 percent as corporations and telecommunications carriers spent more on technology. 旧金山(路透社)世界最大的互联网解决方案供应商思科系统公司星期三称,由于企业和通讯业的发展越来越多地倚靠于科技,思科系统公司季度净收入提升了76%。
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Computer systems company Sun Microsystems Inc. on Monday unveiled new services, software and hardware offerings as part of its plan to move to selling its wares on a bundled subscription basis rather than as discrete components. 电脑系统公司升阳星期一推出了多种新软硬件产品和新服务项目,这是该公司计划将这些从前独立销售的产品向捆绑授权销售方向发展的部分措施。
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — Hewlett-Packard said Monday it had licensed digital content protection technology from chipmaker Intel and developed copy protection technology with Philips as the printer and computer maker seeks to stake out a strong position i 惠普3月1日表示,其已经从英特尔获得了数字内容保护技术许可,同时惠普还与飞利浦研发了版权保护技术,分析人士称,惠普这些举动表明其正在寻求在数字版权保护这一刚刚兴起的领域抢占更多的地盘。
SAN FRANCISCO - NASA plans to dispatch a hulking nuclear-powered spacecraft to determine whether three of Jupiter's icy, planet-sized moons have the potential to harbor life. 旧金山---美国宇航局计划发送一艘巨大的核动力太空船,用以确定在木星的三颗行星大小、覆盖着冰层的卫星上是否有任何生命存在的可能。
SAN FRANCISCO — Google Inc. is out to make map-making simpler, giving away tools for ordinary users to pinpoint locations, draw routes and attach photos or video to existing online maps, the company said on Wednesday. 旧金山-谷歌公司星期三表示:他们将会发布工具让普通用户可以在现有的在线地图上附照片,录像等。
SAN FRANCISCO, AFP — Humans have domesticated the planet to such a degree that few untouched spots remain, researchers report in an article published in the journal Science. 旧金山,法新社—「科学」期刊一篇文章中的研究人员指出,人类的足迹几乎遍及全球,以致于未经开发的处女地所剩无几。
SAN JOSE, Calif. - Efforts by Microsoft Corp. and the PC industry to expand into to the living room will get a boost next week as they show off technologies that try to balance Hollywood's piracy fears with the appeal of digital media. 在微软的努力下,PC产业将掀起一阵风暴并延展到你家庭的各个角落,因为微软昨天展示了他们为了平息好莱坞对数字媒体的抱怨而开发的新技术。
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. - Only a third of 911 calls for help are actual emergencies, according to dispatchers who say some of the calls are simply wacky. 美国警方近日表示,在他们接到的所有911报警电话中,只有三分之一的电话是发生紧急情况拨打过来求救的,其它许多电话纯属稀奇古怪的捣乱电话。
SANTA MARGEHERITA DI PULA (CA) - ècominciata la stagione 2007-2008 dell\'Inter. 国际米兰的2007-2008赛季已经开始了。

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