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While preventing crime, it must be strengthened in informal social supervising function, and cultural management function to purify the cultural atmosphere, and application research on the culture of folk-custom.

While police can act against clear-cut cases of illegal pornography and gambling,but they have few weapons against online criminals who steal bank account numbers and other personal information or cheat consumers with offers of phone sex or other phony se 对于明显的色情和赌博,警察科技坚决打击,但是对于在网络上盗取银行帐号及其它个人信息或者以色情电话服务或其它虚假业务欺骗消费者,他们却缺乏武器应对。
While population growth is increasing in some developing countries, it is falling in many industrialized nations. 发展中国家的人口不断增长的同时,许多发达国家人口却在减少。
While possession of a famous 470-year history, an old name of the most Liubiju, and 270 years of history Precious vegetarian,and 130 years of history days sources,the old name. 拥有京城著名的具有470年历史、堪称老字号之最的“六必居”及270多年历史的“桂馨斋”、130多年历史的“天源”等老字号。
While praying last Thursday evening I distinctly saw scenes of a table being set. 上星期四祷告时,我清楚地看到餐桌已准备妥当的景象。
While pregnant, the increased blood flow to the pelvic area can heighten the sensation during sex. 在怀孕期间,由于骨盆内的血流增加,可以对性爱更加高敏感。
While preventing crime, it must be strengthened in informal social supervising function, and cultural management function to purify the cultural atmosphere, and application research on the culture of folk-custom. 在犯罪防控中,应强化民俗文化的非正式社会监督功能、加强文化管理以净化文化氛围、加强民俗文化的应用研究。
While prior analytical research demonstrated that audit efforts increase with the size of damage award, however, this paper reaches an opposite linkage under certain conditions. 本文系以分析性研究的方式检视决定其筛选作业与查核努力水平之会计师,应如何从事最适的筛选投资与查核努力水平。
While programming, you will need to come up with names for many different things that you create. These names are sometimes called variables or identifiers. 编程的时候,你需要为创建一些不同的事物起一个名字。这些名字通常叫做变量或者标识。
While promoting the development of financial work, mixed work also promotes the change of financial monitor system in various countries. 混业经营在促进金融业发展的同时,也促使各国进行金融监管体制的变革。
While proponents of the system tout its ability to save lives at constructions sites, aboard trains or in hospital operating theaters, others fear the system might pose a new hazard. 虽然该系统的创造人对这个系统在建筑物,火车轮船或者医院手术室等方面的救生能力,其他人担心这个系统可能带来新的危险。
While proposing that game gives a way to get friendship and relaxation, we should not lose sight of the fact that one team player considered wining a game is more important than keeping friendship between comrades, which results in friendship collapse. (例子)尽管我认为游戏提供了一种联结友谊与放松的途径,但是我常看到一段友谊的破裂是因为一个选手认为赢得游戏远比同志情谊重要。

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