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Pull a little olive oil into the pan and fry the tomato with salt, pepper and chicken essence, and finally some water.

Pulido said she was confident that citizens who catch a glimpse of offenders would report them to police — though the law also threatens jail for peeping Toms. 普利多议员说,她坚信如果市民发现有人继续展示裸体,他们将向警方报案。当然,该法案也规定对那些蓄意偷窥的小人进行拘留处理。
Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Dave Barry's novel attempts to follow the stereotypes of male behavoir from the stone ages to modern times. 赢得普利策奖的专栏作家戴夫·巴里的小说关注从石器时代到现代的男性行为的陈规,试图阐述去男性的行为。
Pulitzer Prize-winning film critic Roger Ebert isn't a movie star but he critiques them on TV — so memorably that on Thursday he received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 6月23日,前普利策奖得主、影评人罗杰·伊波特在好莱坞星光大道收到了属于自己的星星。
Pull (out) the plug and let the water drain away. 拔掉塞子, 把水放掉.
Pull Ba Si to go south , go along the highway No. 1 to the furthest end of the earth, is Luo this card Wo this. 出拉巴斯往南,沿着1号公路,走到大地尽头,就是洛斯卡沃斯了。
Pull a little olive oil into the pan and fry the tomato with salt, pepper and chicken essence, and finally some water. 把意大利面煮熟,煮意大利面也是很要功夫的,一定不要煮老了,煮好的面条就放在一边。
Pull all wires necessary for field connections, remote alarm functions, AC power and all other optional features. 拉出所有用于现场连接、远程警报功能、交流电源和所有其它选择功能所必需连接的电缆。
Pull and hold the trigger in the full throttle position then press &release the set up button one time. 拉遥控器上的油门到最大并保持住,然后按下再松开设置按钮一次。
Pull away, boys! A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore. 不停地划呀,孩子们!再加一把劲,我们就要到岸了。
Pull down your jacket! 镇静!
Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily for me: for thou art my strength. 4求你救我脱离人为我暗设的网罗。因为你是我的保障。

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