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We report a 40-year-old male patient who was found to have dozens of discrete small waxy white papules on his back incidentally.

We report a 10 year-old boy presenting with a huge splenic mass which was found incidentally after an abdominal contusion. 我们报告一位十岁大的男孩,主诉是在一次意外的腹部挫伤后发现一藞脾臓肿瘤。
We report a 10-year-old girl presenting with a sudden onset of epigastralgia after impact on the epigastrium by the edge of a wooden bed while playing on it. 我们报告一个十岁的女童在一张木制的床上玩耍,不慎滑倒使得上腹部撞击到床角突出的柱子,之后,就産生了上腹部疼痛。
We report a 19-month-old girl with final diagnosis of typhoid colonic perforation who initially presented with abdominal distention and umbilical erythema on arrival at our emergency department. 我们提出一19个月大的女童,因沙门氏菌肠炎导致大肠穿孔,其最初至本院的临床表现为腹胀和肚脐发红。
We report a 24-year-old female with huge undifferentiated sarcoma arising from renal parenchyma of left kidney. 我们报告一位24岁女性,患有一从左肾组织长出的巨大未分化型的原发性肉瘤。
We report a 26 year-old man with a traumatic tracheoesophageal fistula after a traffic accident and describe the successful surgical repair. 我们报告一名26岁男性病患因钝性胸部外伤造成之气管食道瘻管病例,并以手术方式成功治疗此病患。
We report a 40-year-old male patient who was found to have dozens of discrete small waxy white papules on his back incidentally. 吾人报告一40岁男性,偶然于背部被发现有数十个白色蜡状的小丘疹。
We report a 42-year-old man diagnosed as having peripheral T cell lymphoma, presenting an asymptomatic skin rash associated with transient, mild fever on day 18 of the conditioning chemotherapy with BEAM regimen and day 12 after autologous peripheral bloo 我们在此报告一位42岁患有周边T细胞淋巴瘤之男性病例,在接受制约性化学治疗后第18天,自体周边血液干细胞移植后第12天,于皮肤出现无症状之红疹,并伴随短暂轻度之发烧。
We report a 43-year-old patient of auricular ossification with hypopituitarism and secondary hypoadrenalism to remind clinicans of this somewhat forgotton sign of adrenal insufficiency. 我们报告一例脑下垂体低能症,合并续发性的肾上腺低能症及耳壳骨化,希望此一在肾上腺低能症中被遗忘的症状于理学检查时应该受到重视。
We report a 44-year-old man, who suddenly developed acute anterior chest pain. 我们报告一个44岁的男性突然发生急性前胸痛。
We report a 45-year-old female patient with ptosis, diplopia, anisocoria and restricted eye movements. 本文报告一位四十五岁女性,主诉眼皮下垂,复视,并有两眼瞳孔不等大及眼球运动功能障碍。
We report a 48-year-old man who suffered from a consolidated lesion in the right lower lobe one yea r after aspiration of a foreign body. 我们报告一个中年男性在异物吸入一年后呈现右下肺实质化。

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