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John has always been a trouble maker at school but when he set fire to someone's locker, it was the last straw and he was expelled.

John has a good head for mathematics. 约翰很有数学头脑。
John has a number of nagging worries. 约翰有好些个烦人的心事。
John has a surprise in store for him when he gets home tonight. 约翰今晚回家时会有一个意外的惊喜在等着他。
John has a winter job waiting on an invalid. 约翰的寒假工作是侍候一患病者。
John has also played a major part in the improvement of the paper. 约翰在改进这份报纸的工作中也起了较大的作用。
John has always been a trouble maker at school but when he set fire to someone's locker, it was the last straw and he was expelled. 约翰在旱校总是制造麻烦,当他对某人的橱柜放火时,实在让人忍无可忍,所以他被开除了。
John has as many English books again as Mary. 约翰的英语书比玛丽的多一倍.
John has become a traffic policeman now and his first day of work will be a baptism of fire. 现在约翰已经成为交通警察了,他第一天上岗将是一次严峻的考验。
John has been a stand-in for a couple of prominent movie stars. 约翰一直在为两三个著名的电影明星作替身(演员)。
John has been aware of having done something wrong. 约翰已意识到自己做错了事情。
John has been my friend for years. 约翰是我多年的朋友。

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