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I have been a male chauvinist pig, I admit it.

I have become comfortably numb. 我已经沉醉不醒。
I have become foolish; you yourselves have compelled me. 11我成了愚妄人,是你们强逼我的。
I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge. 7许多人以我为怪。但你是我坚固的避难所。
I have become more target-oriented and perseverant, and I have also learnt how to build up a long-term and successful business by considering the needs of different people. 在安利我学会以目标为主导及永不言败的积极思想;更学会藉以人为本的理念,去建立长远而成功的生意。
I have been a bag of bones since you left me. 自从你离去以后,我就一直形销骨立。
I have been a male chauvinist pig, I admit it. 我承认我是个大男子主义者。
I have been a regular in the side for the last few games and it will be nice to build on that. 在过去的几场比赛中,我在切尔西得到了许多上场机会(在边路),在对阵奥地利时,这将有助于我的发挥。
I have been a salesman,but now I want to do public relations. 我曾做过推销员工作,但现在我想做公共关系。
I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle. 我生平是个利己的人,虽然只在实践而非原则上如此。
I have been able to gather something of this by tracing with my fingers the lines in sculptured marble; if this static grace can be so lovely, how much more acute must be the thrill of seeing grace in motion. 我已能用我的手指来摸索出大理石雕刻中的线条轮廓从而获得这样的一些感受;如果这种静态的雅致都是这么可爱,那么,看见那动态的雅致所感受到的激动该是多么强烈。
I have been adding all possible links and still keep adding. 我已经尽可能添加了所有可能的链接并会持续增加。

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