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Ability to manage credit risk while assisting in the attainment of office sales quotas.

Ability to listen and sensitivity to the needs of students. 能倾听学生意见,对学生的需求敏感。
Ability to listen, speak and read English. 英语听说读写能力。
Ability to locate remote customer sites. 能找到遥远客户所在地.
Ability to maintain good co-ordination while serving orders quickly. 在服务过程中和同事保持良好的协调合作。
Ability to make friends easily. 轻松结交朋友的能力。
Ability to manage credit risk while assisting in the attainment of office sales quotas. 能够在控制信用风险的同时协助销售代表完成销售指标.
Ability to manage multiple priorities. 能够同时处理多项紧迫任务。
Ability to manage multiple projects. 独自管理项目的能力.
Ability to motivate team efforts to accomplish goals. 能力推动销售团队努力实现目标。
Ability to organize marketing campaig and to supervise employees. Effective communication abilities and public relatio skills. 具有组织市场活动和督导员工的能力,并具有效的交际能力和公关技巧。
Ability to organize marketing campaigns and to supervise employees. Effective communication abilities and public relations skill. 具有组织市场活动和督导员工的能力,并具有效的交际能力和公关技巧。

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