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Any backwardness in her family towards him was due to his cold and contemptuous behavior.

Any attachment must be initialled by the Notary Public and the person completing this PIF. 任何附件必须同时经公证机构及填写人签名。
Any attempt to distort or even deny resolution 2758 (XXVI) is futile. 任何旨在歪曲、甚至否定联大第2758(XXVI)号决议的企图都完全是徒劳的。
Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating. 夸张包装,要善于展示个性的独特品质。
Any attempt to trace the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. 要试图跟踪婴儿从发声到初次说话的发展过程困难相当大。
Any attempts to bring under the mass movement for civil rights are doomed to failure. 任何镇压民权群众运动的企图都是注定要失败的。
Any backwardness in her family towards him was due to his cold and contemptuous behavior. 她家里人对他的迟疑归咎于他冷淡轻蔑的行为。
Any balance of Fee must be deposited with Immigration Company. 所有未付款额需交付给移民公司。
Any balance of tax not covered by TRCs redeemed shall be payable directly to Inland Revenue Department on or before tax due date. 赎回储税券如不足以支付全部税款,馀数须于缴税日期或之前直接向税务局缴交.
Any barriers helpless, but love, finally let us come together. 天涯无奈,爱,终让我们走到一起来。
Any battery has a finite life span no matter what device it powers. 任何电池都具有有限的寿命,无论它具有多大的能量。
Any body above the earth will fall unless it is supported by an upward force equal to its weight. 地球上的任何物体都会落下来,除非它受到一个大小与其重量相等的力支持。

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