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Draw Normals - Toggle drawing of Normals. If this is ON, face normals are drawn as cyan segments.

Drastic measures are needed to improve the performance of the company. 为改进公司的工作,需要采取遽烈的措施。
Drastic measures were taken to combat inflation. 已采取激烈措施对付通货膨胀。
Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order. 为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施.
Drastically Reduce Your Number of Air Motors. 彻底减少风动机的数量。
Drat! ---- 讨厌!
Draw Normals - Toggle drawing of Normals. If this is ON, face normals are drawn as cyan segments. 绘制法线:开关法线绘制,如果开启,面上的法线将以青色线段绘制。
Draw a big yellow ball and a small red ball. 画一个黄色的大球和一个红色的小球。
Draw a circle. Cut the circle. Colour the circle. A toothpick Spin the spinner. 画个圆圈。剪下圆圈。给圆圈涂色。一个牙签。旋转陀螺。
Draw a grain of sesame with pen tool, make it become a symbol, and spurt the sesameon your Hamburg, adjustment the transparency, then projectionit. 用钢笔绘制出一粒芝麻,把他定义成符号,并均匀的喷射到汉堡包上,调整透明度,最后对他们使用投影。
Draw a histogram to represent the distribution of time needed for athletes in class C. 试绘画一个直方图显示C组运动员所需时间的分布情况。
Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page. 在此页底部画一条水平线。

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