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Although the biomass and yield of rice had been hardly affected by soil moisture content, when it was 80% or 100% of saturated water content (SWC), but markedly by soil moisture content 60% of SWC.

Although the basic treaties of founding the European Union have no definite provisions, many cases of the European Court indicate that both the first and second legal sources can have direct effects vertically and horizontally in its members, and the EEC 虽然建立欧盟的基本条约并没有作出明确的规定,但是欧洲法院大量的判例表明:无论是欧共体的第一级法律渊源,还是第二级法律渊源,都可能在成员国具有纵向的和横向的直接效力;当欧共体法与成员国法发生抵触时,前者优先。
Although the bed was smashed to pieces , the man was MIRACULOUSLY unhurt . 尽管床撞成了碎片,他却没奇迹般地没丝毫损伤。
Although the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. 尽管床已经摔成碎片,这人却奇迹般地没受伤。
Although the bed was smashed to pieces,the man was miraculously unhurt. 虽然那张床被撞成碎片,但是那个人却奇迹般地没有受伤。
Although the bill was the product of bipartisan cooperation, lawmakers said they regretted areas requiring cuts, including migration and refugee assistance, peacekeeping, and economic support programs for Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. 尽管这项提案是两党合作的产物,立法者表示对用于东欧和前苏联的包括移民及难民援助、和平维护,经济援助项目等的地区援助金遭削减感到遗憾。
Although the biomass and yield of rice had been hardly affected by soil moisture content, when it was 80% or 100% of saturated water content (SWC), but markedly by soil moisture content 60% of SWC. 土壤含水量为饱和持水量的60%时对旱作水稻生物量和产量影响较大,而80%和100%时几乎没有影响。
Although the bivalve lineages Dr Jablonski studied spread out from the equator in waves, they did not become extinct in the wake of these waves. 尽管捷布朗斯基博士所研究的双壳类世系随着波涛从赤道开始蔓延扩散,但它们并没有随着波涛的消亡而一同绝灭。
Although the book avoids jargon, it is closely argued and requires attentive reading, despite the many repetitions and recapitulations. 此书避用“经济学黑话”,然除了许多“重重话”(扬州土语,意为“絮叨”)和“摘要复述”之外,读者均应细致阅读。
Although the boys behaved badly the teacher should not call their names. 虽然这些男孩子品行差劣,但老师也不应该大声辱骂他们。
Although the camera itself was badly damaged, images of him speeding and returning to destroy the evidence were stored in recording equipment in its unscathed base. 尽管该照相机本身在爆炸中严重受损,但由于其安放了记录仪器的底座部分完好无缺,所以摩尔超速驾驶以及返回现场试图毁灭证据的图像仍然被保存了下来。
Although the cause is unknown, it is known that the body produces too much of a protein called collagen. 虽然硬皮病的起因尚未确定,但有一点是已知的,即体内过多产生一种叫胶原蛋白的蛋白质。

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