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And although the depreciation in the yuan's real trade-weighted value since 2002 looks perverse, this follows a real appreciation of 50% between 1994 and 2001 (see chart 1).

And although the Americans could bomb the North's reactors, they do not seem to know where the regime hides its fissile materials and any bombs it has made from them. 尽管美国可以炸毁朝鲜的核反应堆,但是它似乎并不清楚朝鲜把导弹原料和其制造的炸弹藏在什么地方。
And although the Tour de France is not, strictly, an American sport, the mounting evidence that doping is rife in it can only taint the Americans who have won it in the past. 很多证据表明,美国人在环法自行车赛中----严格而言,在美国上此项赛事并不算一项体育项目---取胜与兴奋剂脱不了干系。
And although the U.S. auto industry has cut exhaust emissions substantially since the unregulated 1960s—hydrocarbons dropped by 99 percent, carbon monoxide by 96 percent and nitrogen oxides by 95 percent—the continued production of carbon dioxide causes c 从毫无法规管制的1960年代至今,虽然美国汽车业界已经大幅减少排放的废气(碳氢化合物降低了99%,一氧化碳降低了96%,氮氧化物降低了95%),但持续产生的二氧化碳仍是个问题,因为它可能影响地球的气候。
And although the brain mechanisms behind hysterical illness are still not fully understood, new studies have started to bring the mind back into the body, by identifying the physical evidence of one of the most elusive, controversial and enduring illnesse 尽管产生癔病的大脑功能变化机制尚未完全明了,但目前的研究通过寻找这一种最难懂、矛盾而持久的疾病的物证,开始从身体的变化来探索精神的异常。
And although the chronology of the tits has not changed with this warming, that of winter moth caterpillars—which (along with other less abundant species) tits feed their chicks—has [see illustration on page 89]. 尽管白颊山雀的步调并没有随著暖化而改变,但牠们用来喂养雏鸟的冬季蛾类毛虫(以及其他数量较少的物种)习性却已改变(见93页图)。
And although the depreciation in the yuan's real trade-weighted value since 2002 looks perverse, this follows a real appreciation of 50% between 1994 and 2001 (see chart 1). 而尽管自从2002年以来,人民币的实际贸易加权值一直降低,这看起来是故意作对,但是这是因袭1994至2001年的实际上50%的增值。
And although the emerging field of functional genomics had just begun to link genes to their protein products, most techniques stopped short of defining metabolic pathways. 尽管日渐崛起的「功能性基因组学」这个领域,不久前已开始找寻各种基因所对应的蛋白质,但由于科学家对植物的代谢途径缺乏确切的了解,硬是让许多技术碰了壁。
And although the laugh track seemed to be a reasonable rule of thumb in the Dartmouth work, that may be only because the subjects had been prescreened to like the cerebral, ironic style of the sitcoms they viewed. 虽然凯利的研究喜剧反应大体上属于合理的推论,但也有可能是受试者对于这类讽刺性的喜剧早已有概念。
And although they say, As Jehovah lives, Nevertheless they swear falsely. 2他们虽然说,我指着永活的耶和华起誓,其实他们所起的誓是假的。
And always remember that the reason you wanted a web site was to make contact with people so you could tell them about yourself or your business or your ideas, not to provide a high tech experimental platform for your web designer. 请记住,你设计网站的目的就是为了让人们来访问你的网站,因此,你需要对他们表白你自己,尽可能详尽地阐述你的业务和观点,而不要为他们提供一个类似于“高端技术”的平台。
And amateur radio, long a breeding ground for people fascinated with technology and the thrill of long-distance communication, has lost ground as cell phones and instant messages connect all continents for practically no cost. 长期以来,业余无线电一直令人们为科技的力量而深深着迷,为远距离通讯的实现而兴奋震颤,不愧称之为“摇篮”;而现在,移动电话、即时通讯工具以几乎无需成本即能连接五大洲,业余无线电顿失地盘。

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