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If the policy holder discovers dangerous circumstances regarding the insured property and does not adopt measures to eliminate them, it shall be held solely liable for any losses from an accident caused thereby, and the insurer shall not be liable for mak

If the pole is tall and thin enough its shadow will vanish. 如果洞足够狭窄足够深,阴影还会最终消失。
If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? 如果警察逮捕一名哑剧演员,他们会告诉他有权保持沉默吗?
If the police can't keep order we must send in the troops. 如果警察维持不了秩序,我们就得派军队去。
If the police had not stepped in when they did there would have been serious violence. 当时若警方迟一些干预就会发生严重的暴力事件了。
If the policy holder conceals the actual circumstances of the insured property, the insurer shall have the right to rescind the contract or shall not be liable for making indemnity. 投保方如隐瞒被保险财产的真实情况,保险方有权解除合同或不负赔偿责任。
If the policy holder discovers dangerous circumstances regarding the insured property and does not adopt measures to eliminate them, it shall be held solely liable for any losses from an accident caused thereby, and the insurer shall not be liable for mak 投保方对被保险的财产发现有危险情况,不采取措施消除,同由此发生事故造成的损失由自己负责,保险方不负赔偿责任。
If the pond dried up, all of the fish would die under the hot, dry sun. 如果池塘干涸,所有的鱼将会被烈日晒死。
If the population goes on increasing , there will only be standing room left for us next century! 如果人口继续增长的话,下个世纪我们就只有站的地方了。
If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction. 如果让所有的中国人按8个一排并肩从你身边经过,你将永远不会看到尽头,因为他们的生长率会使人数连绵不绝。
If the port is open, the target will send a SYN|ACK packet to the public host. 如果端口是开的,目标将发送一个SYN|ACK包到公共主机。
If the portraits were confusing, the dentures were even more so. 如果肖像令人感到困惑,则假牙更是如此。

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