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Based on the decode-and-forward relaying mode, a joint optimization scheme of power and bandwidth was analyzed for two-hop relaying system with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM).

Based on the data of petrochemical and refining industries in 2004 and 2005, an econometrics model is set up to work out the price level by which the synthetic materials industry could reach the maximum of profit's increment, and the price by which the re 本文以2004年和2005年石油化工和石油精炼行业的利润和国际油价数据为基础,建立计量经济模型,测算出与合成材料产业利润增量最大化相对应的油价水平以及与石油精炼产业盈亏平衡点相对应的油价水平。
Based on the data of the rare-earth element in coals from coal seams of the Late Permian Liupanshui, Leping, Huangshi and Chongqing coal mining districts in South China, this paper focuses on the discussion of the characters of content distribution, occur 摘要在华南地区贵州六盘水、江西乐平和湖北黄石矿区以及重庆钟梁山和磨心坡煤矿晚二叠世煤的稀土元素电感耦合等离子质谱分析数据的基础上,系统研究了华南地区煤的稀土元素的质量分数分布特征、赋存特征、配分模式及其地质控制因素。
Based on the data on 2010 Shanghai Grid plan, and taking the two HVDC systems, Gezhouba to Nanqiao and Three Gorge to Shanghai Huaxin, which will have set in Shanghai by 2010 as simulation objects, the impacts of multiinfeed HVDC system faults on transien 以2010年上海电网规划数据以及届时落点于上海电网的葛洲坝-南桥、三峡-上海华新2条直流输电系统为仿真研究对象,主要研究了当直流输电系统出现故障时对上海电网的暂态稳定带来的影响。
Based on the data processing it can determine the radius of laser beam, and automatically calculate the orbits of the sintering center according to the boundary of the parts, and the precision of parts is made better. 对加工参数选择进行研究,确定光斑半径补偿,并根据轮廓直线的转接情况自动计算出烧结中心轨迹,得到了精度较高的原型坯件。
Based on the data, the development trends of doctor education of library science are put forward. 在此基础上,比较系统地分析了我国图书馆学博士研究生教育的现状、规律与趋势。
Based on the decode-and-forward relaying mode, a joint optimization scheme of power and bandwidth was analyzed for two-hop relaying system with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). 摘要针对再生中继方式,分析了基于正交频分复用(OFDM)的两跳中继系统的功率和带宽的联合优化,并以最大化端到端的信息速率为优化准则,给出了两跳的次优带宽分配策略和相应的功率分配注水定理算法。
Based on the deep research on the fete ceremony for Panwangpo of Pingdi Yao in certain town, the article reveals the connotation of anthropology profoundly. 本文通过对恭城平地瑶“盘王婆”祭仪的深入研究,揭示了“社会记忆”的人类学内涵。
Based on the deep understanding and taking full advantage lf the company will develop at more rapid speed and offer bdtter services for more customers in the future. 凭借对行业的深刻理解和对于人才优势的充分利用,在未来的时间里,公司在各方面将会以更快的速度向前发展,以更为专业的水平服务于更多的客户。
Based on the definition of research university and national independent innovation system, in accordance with the practice of research university, this paper expounds on the effect of the research university in the national independent innovation system, 本文在界定研究型大学及国家自主创新体系的基础上,结合研究型大学的实际,分析了研究型大学在国家自主创新体系中成为自主创新的源泉、培养创新型人才、提升企业自主创新能力、提供集成创新成果等方面的作用。
Based on the definition of urban land intensive use, and utilizing index data of urban land use in Wuhan City, the paper selects the corresponding evaluation index system to make a quantitative analysis of intensivism extent of urban land use and expects 摘要在界定城市土地集约利用内涵的基础上,以此为标准,结合武汉市城市土地利用的各项指标数据,选取相应的评价指标体系,首先应用层次分析法构建评价模型并确定指标权重,对武汉市城市用地集约程度进行定量化评价;同时应用多城市对比评价方法与其进行评价效果的比较,以期得到该市土地利用较准确的评价成果。
Based on the definition, composing and research field, this paper discussed the effect and guide idea on information source construction of animal husbandry, the problem during the process of construction, key direction on construction means and developme 本文从畜牧业信息的定义、构成与研究范畴出发,阐述了畜牧业信息资源建设的作用,指出了目前建设过程中存在的问题,指明了我国畜牧业信息资源建设的指导思想、建设方法及开发利用的主要方向。

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