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In the early 1980s, ICC set up three London-based services to combat commercial crime: the International Maritime Bureau, dealing with all types of maritime crime; the Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau; and the Financial Investigation Bureau.

In the early 1960s, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring heightened concern about the danger of indiscriminate pesticide use, and as a result, the Department of Agriculture banned the use of DDT completely in 1969. 60年代初,雷切尔·卡森所著的《沉默的春天》加深了人们对随意使用杀虫剂危害的担忧,因此1969年农业部彻底禁止了滴滴涕。
In the early 1970s and 1980s two groups of physicians described patients whose lymphomas shrank after they came down with measles. 1970~80年代初期,有两批医生分别提出报告指出,病人因为出麻疹而使得所患的淋巴瘤萎缩。
In the early 1970s researchers from the University of Tokyo described titanium dioxide's photocatalytic abilities. 1970年代早期,东京大学的研究人员报导了二氧化钛的光催化能力。
In the early 1980's, however, when China was just waking from its long economic slumber, the village turned into a coal mining town after rich deposits were found in the area. 上个世纪80年代,当中国经济刚刚苏醒时,由于上马黄头所在地区被发现储藏着丰富的煤炭,这个村子立即变成了一个煤矿城。
In the early 1980s, I published an article in Datamation magazine titled Synchronizing Data with Reality.The gist of the article was that data quality is a function of use, not capture and storage. 在二十世纪八十年代,我发表了一篇有关自动化资料管理的文章实际的同步数据文章的意思是说数据的质量是使用功能,不是捕捉与存储。
In the early 1980s, ICC set up three London-based services to combat commercial crime: the International Maritime Bureau, dealing with all types of maritime crime; the Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau; and the Financial Investigation Bureau. 在20世纪80年代初期,国际商会在伦敦设立了三个服务机构以便与商业犯罪作为作斗争:处理各种海事犯罪的国际海事局、反仿冒的知识产权局以及金融投资局。
In the early 1980s, the computer giant, IBM produced the world's first Personal Computer. 80年代初,计算机行业的王牌公司美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)生产出了世界上第一台个人电脑。
In the early 1990s Thierry Boon of the Ludwig Cancer Institute in Brussels, Steven A. 不过,研究人员已经成功分离出其中几个抗原,特别是皮肤黑色素瘤的抗原。
In the early 1990s, she was unable to speak for months after suffering a nervous breakdown , reportedly over unflattering tabloid stories. 上世纪90年代,美智子皇后由于受到一些不负责报道的困扰患上神经衰弱,之后几个月说不了话。
In the early 1990s, the end of the cold war hammered southern California's aerospace industry. Home prices in Los Angeles took six years to bottom out, 27 percent below their 1990 peak. 上世纪90年代初,冷战的结束使得加州南部航空航天业的发展遭受重创。洛杉矶房价一连6年持续下跌,比1990年房市黄金期的价格降了27%。
In the early 1990s, there was palpable optimism that a more peaceful world order was within reach. 1990年代开始后,全世界涌动着一种乐观主义情绪,似乎世界和平秩序的实现指日可待。

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