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Based on his institutional 4nalysis of the democratic politics, John Stuart Mill designed representative government, expected to use its reason ingredient to counteract the collective violence from popular democracy, used the public reason of representati

Based on grey relevancy degree, the paper is to analyze industry structure in Wenzhou and evaluate rationalization of industrial structure. 本文利用灰色理论中的灰色关联分析方法,对温州地区产业结构进行了实例分析,并对温州地区产业结构合理化进行了综合评价。
Based on guaranteed cost control the system can raise its dynamic performance by adding α-stability to the gnaranteed cost control and using nonlinear appreximate ability of neural network the system control problem is solved very well in existing unrestr 通过将稳定度引入保成本控制中,可以在保成本控制的基础上提高系统的动态特性;利用神经网络良好的非线性逼近能力,很好地解决了系统存在任意非线性扰动时的控制问题。
Based on high speed and perfect performance micro-processor and RTOS platform, the equipment can be applied to deal with quick interconnection of synchronous generator for hydro power station or resume supply rapidly after an event occurring. 装置以高速高性能微处理机及实时多任务操作系统爲基本开发手段,实现水电站中同步发电机快速并网或事故处理后迅速恢复系统安全供电,具有良好的快速自动准同期控制功能。
Based on his analysis of Chinese cultural heritage in the book Knowledge and Action, the author first illustrated the limitations of applying Confucian ethics for ordinary people in contemporary society, then discussed how to derive code of ethics for pro 作者首先以他在《知识与行动》一书中对中华文化传统的分析为基础,指出传统儒家「庶人伦理」应用在现代社会中可能遭遇到的局限,然后从伦理学的角度,指出:如何以具有普遍性的「仁道」,配合不同学科的专业知识,导衍出现代社会所须要的专业伦理,作为专业伦理教育的材料。
Based on his history, serologic examinations, and angiographic findings, we suspected that his coronary artery aneurysms and ectasia were the adult sequelae of KD. 根据他的病史、抽血检查和冠状动脉摄影的结果,我们高度地怀疑他的冠状动脉瘤和冠状动脉扩张是因其小时后感染川崎病的后遗症所致。
Based on his institutional 4nalysis of the democratic politics, John Stuart Mill designed representative government, expected to use its reason ingredient to counteract the collective violence from popular democracy, used the public reason of representati 摘要约翰?穆勒基于对民主政治的制度分析,希望通过提升代议制度的理智因素抵抗大众民主的智能低下和集体暴虐,运用民主制度特有的公共理性来约束代表的集权倾向,从而在实现个性自由基础上增进社会福利。
Based on his overview of the researches on the Chinese view of sports value, the author put forwarding 5 thoughts for further study from the perspective of sociology: The change of the view of sports value should be further studied under the background of 摘要以我国体育价值观研究为基础,从社会学视角提出了有待进一步研究的5点思考:在社会转型和经济体制转轨背景下,深入研究体育价值观的变迁;对影响体育价值观的因素进行实证研究;借鉴其他学科价值观的研究,使体育价值观的研究有所突破;开拓体育价值观体系及主导体育价值观的研究;社会分层是体育价值观研究的一个新视角。
Based on how well Williams did last year (.281, 12 HRs, 61 RBIs in 420 ABs) when he played more than expected due to injuries to Gary Sheffield and Matsui, he would likely be a contributor off the bench if used as the fourth outfielder and occasional DH. 在了解威廉斯去年有多好(打数420,打击率0.281,12支全垒打,61分打点)的情形下,他在松井秀喜和雨刷伯受伤后表现超出预期,他可以在板凳中担任第四号外野手和临时的DH。
Based on hydrochemistry, REE, carbon and oxygen isotope analyzing, possible leakage way of the Air-Cushioned Surge Chamber is studied in the Xiaotiandu power-station. 摘要利用水化学、稀土元素和碳氧同位素的分析方法探讨了小天都电站调压室可能的渗水途径。
Based on hydrodynamic lubrication theory, a rectangular tire tread model for simulating the viscous hydroplaning of tire is set up, taking into consideration the effects of hydrodynamic action, squeeze action and road roughness with numerical solutions ob 摘要根据流体动力润滑理论,将轮胎猫性滑水问题模拟为胎面单元与路面之间的动压、挤压膜问题,同时考虑了路面粗糙度的影响,建立了轮胎胎面单元黏性滑水问题的数学模型,并进行数值求解。
Based on image rendering is a new powerful approach to modeling and rendering of virtual environments. 摘要随着计算机技术的发展,对虚拟场景的真实感程度提出了越来越高的要求。

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