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This paper analyzes the relationships among precipitation, runoff and crop water requirement, and investigates the effects of integrated drought-resistant technologies during whole growth period on the production of corn and millet in north part of Shanxi

This paper analyzes the reasons for the noise of the building water supply and drainage system, and discusses the relevant countermeasure about controlling the noise. 摘要分析了建筑室内给水排水管道噪声产生与传播的原因,探讨了控制建筑室内给排水管道噪声的相应措施。
This paper analyzes the reasons of issuing convertible bonds by investigating the financial situations of the listed companies that ever announced to be prepared to issue convertible bonds and have issued convertible bonds, the result shows that the liste 摘要通过对拟发行及正式发行可转换债券的上市公司的财务状况和可转换债券的条款设计的分析,探讨上市公司选择可转债进行融资的动因,发现上市公司发行可转换债券主要是为了降低融资成本和间接地股权融资。
This paper analyzes the relations between the organization's collective performance and its member agents' individual behavior wider different conditions in terms of the pay policy of the organization, synergy among the agents, and the agent's preference 摘要分析了在不同的产出分配政策、组织协同作用水平和个体智能体偏好情况下,组织整体行为与其成员智能体行为之间的关系。
This paper analyzes the relationship between econometrics and data mining in depth based on the conceptions of those two fields. 摘要从数量经济学和数据挖掘的概念出发,分析了这两个领域的联系与区别。
This paper analyzes the relationship between the disk industry and censoring system by comparing and discussing the different censoring systems in three important historical periods of Shanghai, the center of disk industry in the Republic of China. 本文以民国时期的唱片业中心上海为例,对上海特别市、日伪、抗战胜利后三个历史时期的唱片审查制度逐一进行论述、对比,探讨制度背后的政治与社会背景,并对其与唱片业之间的互动关系进行了分析。
This paper analyzes the relationships among precipitation, runoff and crop water requirement, and investigates the effects of integrated drought-resistant technologies during whole growth period on the production of corn and millet in north part of Shanxi 摘要通过对降水量、地面径流量、作物需水量的综合分析,结合山西省中长期天气趋势预报,在客观定量地评价年度内农田水分盈亏指标的基础上,实施集成旱作技术,对玉米和谷子进行全生育期农田管理,取得明显效果。
This paper analyzes the repairing feature on perforating casing and presents a new procedure that the root of perforating hole is covered by a little block age plate and then repair welding is carried out. 通过对射孔枪管修复特点的分析,提出了先利用小堵板盖住射孔眼的根部,再进行补焊的新工艺,实现了枪管的重复利用,为油田同类产品的修复提供了宝贵经验。
This paper analyzes the risks of intellectual property of audio &video service, including showing films in library, audio &video rental, inter-library loan, communication on networks, video edit, digital preservation, reproduction of sound or video record 摘要文章分析了馆内放映、声像出租、馆际互借、网络传播、视频编辑、数字典藏、声像翻录等七类数字图书馆声像服务的知识产权风险并提出了相关的建议。
This paper analyzes the running problems of a hot die-forging press and presents a diagnos is method to solve the problems. 摘要本文就热模锻压力机产生连车故障的原因进行了分析、探讨,并由此研究了一种诊断方法,以便彻底排除该故障。
This paper analyzes the sedimentation and the occurrence of the strata in Wuxia area and suggests that Wuxia area underwent the development of foreland basin of Early Permian, the overthrust nappe of Late Permian, the strong structural uplift of Late Tria 在对乌夏地区地层的沉积特征和产状分析后发现,乌夏地区经历了早二叠世的前陆盆地发育阶段、二叠纪末的逆掩推覆,三叠纪末的构造强烈隆升、侏罗纪末期的构造微弱活动、至白垩纪的构造定形等多个阶段的演化而形成了现今的面貌。
This paper analyzes the state of Hopf bifurcation in a chaotic system, judge the direction of the bifurcation by calculating the first Lyapunov coefficient, and then briefly discuss some corresponding dynamic system behaviors. 摘要讨论了一个混沌系统的霍普夫分叉情况,并通过计算系统的第一李雅普诺夫系数判断了其分叉的方向,对相应的动力系统行为也作了简要的分析。

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