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Huihui: Well, my mom and I need to go all the way to Di Hua Street to get some holiday foods like rice cakes, turnip cakes, Chinese sausages, dried fruits, and lots of candy.

Huihui: A lady materializes from the corner of the wine cellar which is a solid rock room under the ground. 有个女生突然从转角的地下酒窖中碰出,石窖耶,从石头中穿出来!
Huihui: But I think people interested in the supernatural will want to spend more time in that room to soak up the MAJOR vibes or wait to see if something will happen. 我倒觉得对超自然现象有兴趣的人,会想要特别去沈浸在鬼的憾动里,或至少就坐在那里,等等看有没有啥会发生。
Huihui: It says he became somewhat agitated and claimed that he was the ONLY person in the vicinity and he is sensitiveto spiritual activities. 据说那工人后来变得很激动,声称他确定那时只有他一个人在附近,而且还说他对灵异现象特别敏感。
Huihui: It's like a small hot air balloon. You can write messages on it and let it fly into the sky. 就是小的热气球啦。你可以在上面写些留言,让它飞到天空中。
Huihui: No. Some people write riddles, paste them on the lanterns, and invite the guests to solve the riddles. 不是。有些人写谜题,黏在灯笼上,然后邀请来宾来猜谜题。
Huihui: Well, my mom and I need to go all the way to Di Hua Street to get some holiday foods like rice cakes, turnip cakes, Chinese sausages, dried fruits, and lots of candy. 嗯,我妈和我必须特地到迪化街去买些应景的食物,像是年糕、萝卜糕、香肠、乾果、还有一堆糖果。
Huihui: You just said death.And it's unlucky to talk about death during the New Year holiday. You're supposed to say something lucky. 妳刚刚说了「死」。而在新年假期期间说到死是不吉利的。妳应该说些吉利一点的话。
Huijia-CACB GAC International College guides you through the enrolment process for the school or university you choose to study at. 汇佳澳华GAC国际高中引导你顺利进入自己选择的学校或者大学学习。
Huijia-CACB GAC International College provides a coeducational boarding school based secondary education for Year 9 to Year 12 students. 汇佳澳华GAC国际高中是一所提供初三至高三课程的寄宿制国际高中。
Huikuri HV, Ylitalo A, Pikkuamsa SM, et al. Heart rate variability in systemic hypertension. Am J Cardiol,1996,77(12):1073. 王虹艳,马玉荣,赵秀莲,等.高血压左室肥厚患者心率变异及动态血压分析.心功能杂志,1998,10(2):72.
Huili aluminum alloy rolling curtain, gate and window, steel anti-fire rolling curtain and sun shading rolling curtain are in construction professionals and enterprise grace and we get several tenders of many main projects. 汇丽铝合金卷帘门窗、钢质防火卷帘门、遮阳系列产品倍受建筑界和企业界的青睐,在众多重点工程中屡屡中标。

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