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After edge sealing in photosensitive seal machine, user shall fill certain ink in the shell of seal and set up the shell and place it stable on a level worktable.

After each plunge ended, Professor Hawking was gently helped back down onto a mattress. 每次失重状态结束后,霍金都会被工作人员小心翼翼地搬回到大垫子上。
After each series of course, all kinds of Trainee Club Activity will be arranged for further communication, such as inspection, topic study, a variety of forum &cathedra& salon. 培训结束后开展学员俱乐部活动(参观考察、专题研讨、各种论坛、讲座、沙龙、休闲活动),与每一期的学员进行联谊活动。
After eating our spicy Mexican foods, we all decided that the spice, on top of hk's disgustingly HOT and HUMID weather, it was time for a change in climate. 吃完了辛辣的墨西哥菜,我们觉得这个辣,和香港有闷热又潮湿的天气互相呼应。
After eating out of packets and tins for a fortnight while camping. I'm really looking forward to a decent square meal. 在野营中吃了两星期的罐头食品,现在我真想吃一顿象样的美味饭菜。
After eating the healthy black mushroom, Princess Jolin started to feel better, while Prince Jack began to feel weaker and weaker. 吃了有益健康的黑色蘑菇后,裘琳公主觉得好多了,然而杰克王子开始觉得愈来愈虚弱。
After edge sealing in photosensitive seal machine, user shall fill certain ink in the shell of seal and set up the shell and place it stable on a level worktable. 印壳内胆放入封边机内封边后,将定量印油注入印壳的储油仓内。将章壳组装好,水平放置在工作台上。
After eggs have been laid, it is usual for either the male or the female penduline tit to leave their partner to raise the chicks. 在雌雀产下蛋后,通常是由雌雀或雄雀其中之一离开他们的伴侣去哺育幼雏。
After eight months of stalemate, the Allies withdrew, leaving 10,000 dead amongst the Anzacs. 联军在经历八个月的僵持后彻退,遗下上万的阵亡将士。
After eight tries, legendary heavy metal act Black Sabbath will finally be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame next year, whether Ozzy Osbourne likes it or not. 结过8次不泄的努力,重金属的传奇组合黑色安息日将于明年最终入主摇滚名人堂,不论奥兹·奥斯本会不会高兴。
After eight years in the country he applied for citizenship. 他在该国居住八年之后,申请了国籍。
After eight years of construction, the Banga to Banggio (Panchiao) underground railway replaced the original above-ground railway and made its first run today, in an attempt to revitalize the Banga business community and tourism. 施工八冬了后,艋舺到板桥耶火车改做地下铁路了后今阿日开始运作,倘好载卡侪郎客来艋舺旧社区交关及去龙山寺烧香。

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