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Certainly I hearten you can do it yourself with your wisdom, perhaps is your first time just as I did, and it will be very fine, interesting, and wonderful.

Certain water areas and land-based areas near the intakes of domestic and drinking surface water sources may be delineated as the first-grade protection zones. 在生活饮用水地表水源取水口附近可以划定一定的水域和陆域为一级保护区。
Certain words appear with great frequency, like “God,” “earth” and “heaven,” but the number of each one is a multiple of seven. 一些字出现的频率很高,如“上帝”、“地”和“天”,但是这些字出现的次数都是七的倍数。
Certainly . You're absolutely right about that. 当然对啦,关于那件事你是绝对正确的。
Certainly China has changed the more, though Hong Kong's role in this is debatable. 当然,中国改变了更多,尽管香港的作用是值得讨论的。
Certainly China has changed the more, though Hong Kong's role in this—compared with, for example, the dynamic momentum of China's internal reforms, and the country's accession to the World Trade Organisation—is debatable. 当然,中国发生的变化更大,尽管香港在这方面的作用有待商榷——比如,同中国如火如荼的内部改革和加入世贸组织相比。
Certainly I hearten you can do it yourself with your wisdom, perhaps is your first time just as I did, and it will be very fine, interesting, and wonderful. 显然,我是想鼓励您用您的睿智去做,或许与我做过的第一次一样会是您的第一次,那将会更完好、有趣、奇妙。
Certainly I should say your English is really rather good. 说实话,您的英语相当不错嘛。
Certainly Laker fans should be sitting back comfortably knowing they have the most complete perimeter player in the league on the roster.why then is there this nagging concern that simply won't die . . . will Bryant be a Laker on opening night? 湖人球迷都心知肚明他们拥有联盟中最具进攻性的科比,但是他们也时刻不在担心:科比下赛季开始还能为湖人队效力吗?
Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go to sea to further his work. 当然牛顿在他的作品中写到了一些理论方面的东西,但他不愿进行更加深刻的研究。
Certainly Wendy had been dreaming. 温迪一定是在做梦。
Certainly a case could be made that Warwick's implant was merely a somewhat more sophisticated version of duct-taping an automatic garage door opener to his forehead. 当然,可以举一个例子来说明,沃里克前额植入的芯片是一种类似自动车库门的控制系统,只不过是更为复杂精密的形式。

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