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A sore throat, a cough or a stiff neck might also be diagnosed and treatment prescribed.

A sophisticated computerized analysis of noninvasive measurements of optic nerve function and the retina's electrical activity showed dramatic improvement in the rats' visual functions after the procedure. 一项老道的计算机化的未入侵分析测定视觉神经功能,视网膜的电活动显示了输入程序后视觉功能的提高。
A sophisticated house was situated undoubtedly on an unlimited road, owned by a complicated wedding beloved maid who was afraid of air-raid. 毫无疑问,一座复杂而先进的房子,座落在一条无限制的马路上,由一个复杂受到爱戴的结婚少女所拥有,她害怕空袭。
A sophisticated sculptor, Hemi, and 4 other people are invited to a gallery of dolls. 五位年轻男女应邀到一所美术馆参予制作人形玩偶的项目。
A sorcerer might twist his beard when lost in thought; a caliban might collect trophiesfrom slain foes; a bard might practice every night to hone her musical skills. 一名术士没准总在深陷思绪时搓捻胡须;一名凯列班说不定会从被他亲手干掉的敌人身上收集“战利品”留念;一名吟游诗人也许每个晚上都坚持磨练自己的音乐技巧。
A sore right arm handicapped Laura's tennis playing. 酸痛的右臂妨碍了劳拉打网球。
A sore throat, a cough or a stiff neck might also be diagnosed and treatment prescribed. 喉咙痛、咳嗽或斜颈也可能诊断出来并指出治疗方法。
A sorely misunderstood child. 一个非常得不到理解的孩子
A sorority house. 女生联谊会会馆
A sort of Katharine Hepburn figure. 对了,凯瑟琳·赫本型的。
A sort of strain sensor that is made of cycloidal stretch film piece and microbent modulation construction and a method of distributed optical fiber strain sensor by Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) are brought forward. 摘要提出了一种用圆形弹膜片和微弯调制机构进行应力传感,用光时域反射探测(OTDR)技术进行测量的分布式光纤应力传感方法。
A sorting-out and consolidation of the existing automobile and motorcycle manufacturing enterprises shall be carried out in 1997 which shall be headed by the Ministry of Machinery in conjunction with the Ministry of Public Security and other departments c 凡不具备基本生产条件的企业以及生产车型与产品目录不符、或有转让目录和出卖产品合格证行为的企业,一律取消其相应的产品目录。

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