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Other things being equal, the evapotranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity.

Other theories expanded in fan fiction involving compliant students and Potions assistants don't really do much in the way of explanation either. 在同人故事里扩充的其他主题还包括了顺从的学生和魔药课助手,但这并不能很好地把两点都解释清楚。
Other theorists propose that the Moon was ripped out of the Earth's rocky mantle by the Earth's collision with another large celestial body after much of the Earth's iron fell to its core. 其他的理论家提出,在地球的大部分铁沉入到地核之后,由于地球与另一个庞大的天体发生碰撞,月亮便从地球那石质的地幔中撕裂开来而形成的。
Other therapists say they also increasingly see youths with unhealthy gaming habits who neglect schoolwork and sports for online games. 其他治疗师说他们也愈来愈常看到青少年养成不健康的玩游戏习惯,为了玩线上游戏,把课业和体育活动抛到一边。
Other things being equal, I would buy the black dress not the white one. 其他方面相同,我将买那件黑的衣服,不买那件白的。
Other things being equal, evaporation is the faster, the greater is the wind. 在其它条件相同时,飞速越大蒸发越快。
Other things being equal, the evapotranspiration rate decreases with increasing humidity. 当其它条件相同时,蒸散率随湿度增大而减小。
Other things being equal, the more liquid a market, the lower the cost of capital. 其他的就显得较为公平了,市场的流通性越强,相对要耗费的资本就越少。
Other things may change us, but we start and end with family. 其他的事情可能会改变我们,但我们开始并终结于家庭。
Other threats to biodiversity include exotic species, often transported by humans, which can outcompete and displace native species. 其他对生物多样性的威胁包括外来物种,它们常常是通过人的活动迁移的,能够通过生存竞争取代本地物种。
Other times the specifics are buried under a thick layer of marketese and bland slogans. 另外有些时候,这些关于产品的细节特性被淹没在众多的网站信息和庸俗的口号中。
Other times these smaller pieces join together into larger pieces, including pieces that are larger than the original molecule. 另一些时候这些小片段会合大片段融合,形成比原来更大的分子。

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