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In the twinkling of an eye the seas shall rise up, and the arena of the winds shall be opened once again.

In the twenty-fifth year of our captivity, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was struck down, on that same day the hand of Jehovah was upon me, and He brought me there. 1我们被掳第二十五年,耶路撒冷城被攻破后第十四年,正在年初,月之初十日,耶和华的手降在我身上,祂把我带到那里。
In the twenty-first century, economic power will no longer come from right policies or natural resources; it will only come from talented people. 在二十一世纪,经济竞争的优势将不再来源于优惠的政策或丰富的自然资源,它只能来源于高能的人力资源。
In the twenty-first century, feminism continues to extend beyond the complexities of Western society and even beyond strict gender notions of “female”. 在21世纪,女性主义继续延展,超越西方社会的复杂性,甚至超越“女性”这一严格的性别观念。
In the twenty-first century, we must reform our policy-making system toward the directions of democratization, specialization, and policy-making process must be more scientific and more governed by the law. 新世纪全面建设小康社会和继续完善市场经济的要求说明,不断推进政治决策的民主化、专业化、科学化和法制化是改革与完善社会主义政治决策的必然选择。
In the twenty-some-odd years that I have been pretty closely following trends in American publishing, no development in the industry has been nearly so inexplicable to me, nor has any development made me so happy. 在我密切跟随美国出版物潮流的二十多年里,这次的发展最令我不解也最让我高兴,因为我很喜爱哈利波特系列小说。
In the twinkling of an eye the seas shall rise up, and the arena of the winds shall be opened once again. 在闪耀的眼睛里,海洋会升起,风的竞技场会再一次打开。
In the two and fiftieth year of Azariah king of Judah Pekah the son of Remaliah began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned twenty years. 27犹大王亚撒利雅五十二年,利玛利的儿子比加在撒马利亚登基作以色列王二十年。
In the two breakthrough campaigns of Jiangnan Headquarters, the Taiping Troops in the south of Anhui were actively cooperating with LI Xiu-chen, and implemented the tactics of going down south to the border of Anhui and Zhejiang, and the long range raid o 摘要在二破江南大营战役中,皖南各部太平军积极配合李秀成实施南下皖浙边界、奔袭杭州的战术机动,主动向各自正面敌人出击,牵制皖南清军。
In the two chapters that follow, I describe one small brace of efforts, so far failed, to find a way to refocus this debate. 在接下来的两章,我会描述一种重新寻找问题症结的尝试,虽然目前仍是失败的。
In the two farmers' eyes, the long-standing neglect of clean toilets, particularly in the countryside, is partially attributed to the over-industrialization of Chinese agriculture. 这两名农民认为,人们长期无视清洁厕所的重要性,特别是在农村地区,其中的一部分原因在于中国农业的过分工业化。
In the two months since he asked Congress for emergency war spending, President Bush says Democrats have worked to ___1___the judgment of Washington politicians for generals in the field. 布什总统表示自从他开始要求国会建立紧急战争开支两个月以来,民主党便努力取代华盛顿的政治家们开始对战场上的将军们发号施令.

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