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A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman.

A hurricane warning is in effect for parts of Florida and evacuation has been ordered for residents in low-lying areas on a stretch of the Gulf Coast. 飓风警告在弗罗里达州的部分地区已经开始生效,撤离令要求居住在沿海岸线低海拔地区的居民撤离。
A husband (Renner) and wife (Stiles) tangle with an investigator (Whitaker) over her dead brother's million-dollar insurance policy. 一位丈夫和妻子为了接管在她的死去的兄弟的百万美元的保险单与私人侦探纠缠在一起。
A husband and wife can form a business partnership. 夫妻也可以组建合伙制公司。
A husband was not at home for a whole night. So he tells his wife the very next morning, that he stayed at his friend's apartment over night. 一位先生整个晚上没回家,第二天早晨,他告诉他太太昨晚他呆在男朋友的公寓里.
A husband-and-wife team reached the Pacific Ocean on Saturday after a 4,900-mile cross-country hike, becoming the first to backpack the transcontinental American Discovery Trail in one continuous trek. 上周六,一对美国夫妇在长途跋涉4900英里、穿越整个美国大陆后顺利抵达太平洋沿岸,成为全美背包族中完成不间断徒步穿越美国发现之旅的第一人。
A hush fell in anticipation of the world's greatest swordsman. 现场一阵沉默,人们期盼着世界上最伟大的击剑手出场。
A hush fell over the meeting-room. 会议室里一下子安静了下来。
A hut in the Obersee. 欧伯湖上的小木屋。
A hut is a palace to a poor man. 穷人的茅舍就是他的宫殿。
A hut or group of huts for housing ranch workers. 工人棚屋供牧场工人居住的棚屋
A hut! The white logo is Austrian national flower–Edelweiss. 一座小木屋!那个白色标记就是奥地利的国花——火绒草。

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