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After the high altitude interceptor released from post-booster vechicle, part of its electrical cable from guidance bay to equipment bay worked in thermal vacuum environment.

After the handsome boy asked her for a date, she was in seventh heaven. 那英俊的男孩约了她之后,她高兴极了。
After the heart-to-heart talk, they understand each other better. On Christmas Eve, Jackie entrusts the children to Isabel and invites her to have her photo taken with the whole family. 在这次倾心交谈之后,他们加深了对对方的理解。在圣诞夜,杰基将孩子的未来托付给了伊莎贝尔,并且邀请伊莎贝尔一起拍全家福。
After the heavy rain washed off the toxic waste illegally dumped in Geohiong (Kaohsiung)'s water plant, the tap water authority determines that the water even though odorous is now safe to use but not drink. 高雄水道水去乎郎偷倒毒品了后经过大雨冲过,水犹是有怪味,但是水公司化验耶结果是会使用,毋倘饮。
After the heavy snowfall the groundsman was whistling in the dark when he promised that the pitch would be clear for a three o'clock kick-off. 大雪之后,球场管理员答应3点钟足球比赛之前能把球场清理干净时,他实在是在强鼓勇气。
After the helicopter passes the pilot, execute a 180 degree turn towards, continue to reduce power/collective so as to descend at a gradual angle to the landing zone. 当直升机再次通过操控者后,开始执行内侧180°转弯的动作(接近操控者),持续地降低油门/螺距,保持平缓的下降角度进入降落区。
After the high altitude interceptor released from post-booster vechicle, part of its electrical cable from guidance bay to equipment bay worked in thermal vacuum environment. 摘要高空制导飞行器从母舱释放后,制导舱与仪器舱之间部分电气电缆处于热真空条件下工作。
After the high temperature , cooking , block of wood deformation, splits , wrot , grit working procedure such as glorifying , drenching lacquer , the product are durable. 经高温,蒸煮处理,不变形,不开裂,刨光,砂光,淋漆等工序,产品经久耐用。
After the hikes, the benchmark one-year deposit rate is 3.6 percent while one-year lending rate is 7.02 percent. 一年期存款基准利率和一年期贷款基准利率分别上调至3.6%和7.02%。
After the hit on the head he was seeing double. 头部的碰撞之后,他看到双影。
After the hold-up, the gang made their getaway in a stolen car. 匪徒们打劫後, 乘一辆盗来的汽车逃走了.
After the horseplay by the wicked students, the classroom floor was strewn with crumbled chalk dust. 那班顽皮学生闹著玩儿,捏碎不少粉笔,过后,教室地板上撒满了粉笔灰。

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