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In contrast, the pessimistic, who weakly wallow in their problems, unable to move on, tend to agonize and suffer over the smallest things.

In contrast, the behavioral science theorists engaged in objective research on human behavior in organizations. 相反,行为科学理论热衷于客观研究人类阻止行为学。
In contrast, the consensus view among paleoclimatologists is that the Medieval Warming Period was regional, that the worldwide nature of the Little Ice Age is open to question and that the late 20th century saw the most extreme global average temperatures 然而,古气象学家的共识与之不同,他们认为中世纪暖期属于区域现象,全球性的小冰期则尚无定论,而且20世纪后叶的全球平均气温是最极端的情形。
In contrast, the interstellar dust collected by Stardust comes directly from local interstellar space. 与之相反,星尘号收集的星际尘埃直接来自星际空间。
In contrast, the market has been moving away from Dell, once the industry leader. 与之形成对比的是,曾经的行业领头羊——戴尔的市场正在流失。
In contrast, the much shorter percolation time of espresso allows less acid and only 60 to 70 percent of the caffeine to dissolve into the brew. 反之,制作浓缩咖啡时,滤滴的时间短得多,也就只有较少的酸及60~70%的咖啡因进入滤液。
In contrast, the pessimistic, who weakly wallow in their problems, unable to move on, tend to agonize and suffer over the smallest things. 懦弱、悲观的人,即使踫到芝麻小事,也会为之苦恼,无法前进。
In contrast, the problem in Hong Kong, for example, is that there is a culture of racism without any countervailing culture of anti-racism. 相反,拿香港来对照,那里有种族主义的文化,却没有一个可以相制衡的反种族主义文化。
In contrast, the researchers did not find the mutation when they analyzed large comparison populations of Iranians and Americans. 相反的是,研究人员在他们对美国人和伊朗人进行大规模人口对比分析中仍然没有发现突变。
In contrast, the risk of congestive heart failure is not increased. 相比而言,充血性心衰的危险并未增加。
In contrast, the young cyclist who failed to make it as a senior may have been driven too hard by a parent or coach whose intentions were good, but whose techniques left something to be desired. 相反的,年轻的车手因为年长者的过度要求下而失败了,即使父母或教练的利益是良善的,但是他们采取的方法是令人不满意的。
In contrast, their absence from a letter to a client with no legal background could serve to confuse and complicate a simple situation. 相比较而言,如果在客户信中没有这样的法律背景就会令人迷惑并且使简单的事情复杂化。

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