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But what helped to drive up Matsuzaka's price was a good, old-fashioned American rivalry.

But what has caused this great dispersion of wealth? 但是,是什么导致了财富的差距如此之大呢?
But what has marked his eighteen years as chairman is trust in the ability of the economy to recover from shocks. 但在他出任主席的18年间,他对美国大震荡时期经济复苏所做的处理,最能证明格林斯潘的能力是深受大众认可的.
But what has the space race done to relieve the suffering of the earth's starving millions? 但是太空竞争又做了些什么来救济地球上千百万在饥饿中挣扎的人们呢?
But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord; so He took his life also. 创38:10俄南所作的、在耶和华眼中看为恶、耶和华也就叫他死了。
But what he has not done is to satisfy Nana to live with her. 他没有做到的是满足变了性的娜娜与他共同生活的愿望。
But what helped to drive up Matsuzaka's price was a good, old-fashioned American rivalry. 但是什麽对于提高松坂大辅的价钱有帮助都是好的,是美国世仇的对抗。
But what i case there i hort weight or disqualification? 但如果短重或是质量不合格怎么办?
But what if in the future a tiny device, one the size of a nickel or significantly smaller, could be implanted in the patient to monitor and detect abnormalities, and could then relay data to physicians, or provide therapy on the spot, in real time? 然而如果在不久的将来,一个很小的设备,就像一枚硬币那么小或者可能更小的设备被研发出来,这个小东西可以植入患者的心脏从而检测到各种不正常的情况,到那个时候医生是否就可以及时获取信息,然后采取实时定位的治疗呢?
But what if it is due to repeated injections of adrenaline every time the economy slows? 不过要是因为每次经济减缓联储的不断刺激措施呢?
But what if one major newspaper in a broadsheet-dominated country made the move? 但如果在以大报为主的国家里的主要报纸进行了转变,又会如何?
But what if the header needs to have a different title, depending on what page you are coming from? 但是如果头模板需要什么来使得显示一些不同的标题,取决于你用到的那些页面?

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