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Last year, the 600 budget hotels in China had an average occupancy rate of 85 to 96 per cent compared with an estimated 50 per cent in the thousands of zhaodaisuo or in China's many one and two-star hotels.

Last year, overseas investors spent an unmatched $10.89bn on Indian securities, pushing the Sensex up 42 per cent. 去年,海外投资者在印度证券市场投入创纪录的108.9亿美元,推动印度孟买30指数上升了42%。
Last year, polluted or seriously polluted water in the country's seven major river systems accounted for 26 percent of the total. 去年,我国被污染或被重度污染的主要河流系统已经占全国总水资源的26%。
Last year, she was in charge of the fashion show and raised ten thousand dollars to help the poor. 去年,她负责主办时装表演,为帮助生活有困难的人筹集到了一万美元。”
Last year, some areas in China were hit by natural disasters of a severity seldom seen in history, including typhoons and droughts. 去年,我国部分地区遭受了历史上罕见的超强台风和特大干旱等严重自然灾害。
Last year, stock prices fell sharply. 去年,股票价格下降很快。
Last year, the 600 budget hotels in China had an average occupancy rate of 85 to 96 per cent compared with an estimated 50 per cent in the thousands of zhaodaisuo or in China's many one and two-star hotels. 去年,中国的600家经济型酒店平均入住率为85%到96%,相比之下,中国成千上万的招待所和许多一、二星级宾馆的入住率只有大约50%。
Last year, the Central Government used 15.2 billion yuan to finance key ecological projects to prevent and control pollution in the basins of the Huaihe River, Tai Lake and other major rivers and lakes, protect virgin forests, return farmland to forest or 去年,中央政府投入152亿元来支持生态工程,主要用于淮河盆地,太湖和其他主要河湖的污染防控,保护原始森林,退耕还林还草和防沙治沙。
Last year, the Law Lords rejected Shabina Begum's appeal for permission to wear a Muslim gown at her school in Luton . 去年,法官驳回了莎宾娜贝古在学校准许穿穆斯林外袍的上诉。
Last year, the Los Angeles Times gave it a go. 去年《洛杉矶时报》尝试了一把。
Last year, the Shanghai Six called for a deadline for American forces to withdraw from the region. 去年,上海六国组织发出要求美国撤出该地区的最后期限。
Last year, the agency found that some supplements, such as those used for erectile dysfunction, used undeclared active ingredients. 去年,美国食品及药物管理局发现一些膳食添加剂,如针对勃起功能障碍人群的添加剂,使用了一些标签上没有注明的活性组分。

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