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It should have the full and undivided attention of everyone in Europe, because it's 800 pounds!

It should fetch (ie be sold for) 100000 at auction. 拍卖它可得100000英镑.
It should follow lines of cleavage and planes of fascia and when possible should pass between muscles rather than through them. 重要的神经血管必须避免损伤,或加以保护抑或将其完全避开。
It should generate a variety of accounting reports, including financial statements and trial balances, that aid management in operating a business. 它需要建立多种会计报表,包括财务报表和试算平衡表,来帮助企业经营管理。
It should go without saying that you need to be extra careful when accessing memory you've allocated from the free storage pools in kernel mode. 当访问你从内核模式中的空闲存储池分配的内存的时候,不用表明:你需要特别的小心,它就应该执行。
It should have been demolished years ago, but work has been delayed by court battles, asbestos and toxic dust removal, work stoppages and a renewed search for body parts. 废墟本应该在几年前清理掉,但法庭上的争辩、对废墟现场石棉和有毒尘埃的清除、工程叫停、以及对受害者残骸的重新搜寻则导致整个工作一拖再拖。
It should have the full and undivided attention of everyone in Europe, because it's 800 pounds! 它应该得到全欧洲每一个人全部、完整的关注,因为它有800磅!」
It should include supporting examples and reasons that solidify your argument and convince the reader to think the way you to about a subject. 它应该提出可以支持你的观点的例子和理由来强化你的论点并说服读者从你的角度来思考某一个观点。
It should keep up with the step of times development, and actively research and practise the regularity of library service duty, so that bring into play better the function of its service for readers. 高校图书馆应紧跟时代发展的步伐,积极探索和实践图书馆服务工作的规律,以更好地发挥图书馆为读者服务的功能。
It should likewise not apply to homeopathic medicinal product eligible for a marketing authorisation or for a registration under Directive 2001/83/EC. 它同样不适合可以获得市场准入或根据2001/83/EC指令可以注册的顺势疗法药品。
It should limit the unthinkable and thereby the unthinkable. 114它应该划定什么是可思考的,因而也就划定了什么是不可思考的。
It should look like the following illustration. 它应该如下图所示。

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