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Chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation and ethanol injection all hae well-documented antitumor actiity; howeer, there is no high leel eidence that waiting list HCC treatment with these modalities is effectie in achieing any of the three aboe-mentioned

Chemistry, not art, is my cup of tea. 我喜爱的是化学,不是艺术。
Chemists and biologists have found that the way the brain works is far more complicated than they had thought. 化学家和生物学家已经发现,人脑的活动方式比他们原先所想的远为复杂。
Chemists and biologists have found that the way the brain works is far more complicated than they originally thought. 化学家和生物学家发现大脑运行的方式比他们原来想象的要复杂得多。
Chemists have also achieved some success with the tougher task of making short-chain stain repellents. 另一方面,化学家仍继续挑战「短链抗污剂」这个艰苦的任务,目前也有一些进展了。
Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质.
Chemoembolization, radiofrequency ablation and ethanol injection all hae well-documented antitumor actiity; howeer, there is no high leel eidence that waiting list HCC treatment with these modalities is effectie in achieing any of the three aboe-mentioned 文献报道栓塞化疗、射频消融和无水酒精注射均有抗肿瘤作用,但是,并没有很可靠的证据表明用这几种方法对等待移植的肝细胞肝癌病人进行治疗可获得符合以上三点的疗效。
Chemonucleolysis is contraindicated in patients who are allergic to papaya or who have previously been injected with chymopapain. 对番木瓜过敏的病人,或以前曾经注射过木瓜凝乳蛋白酶的人,化学核溶解法是禁忌证。
Chemoreceptor An organ or structure that responds to a particular chemical stimulant. 化学受体:能对特定的化学刺激物做出反应的器官或结构。
Chemotaxis (chemotactic movement) A TXIS in response to a chemical concentration gradient. 趋化现象:一种对化学浓度梯度的趋化反应。
Chemotaxonomy (biochemical systematics; biochemical taxonomy) A system of classification of plants based on the nature of their metabolic products (metabolites). 化学分类学:以植物的代谢产物特性为依据的植物分类系统。
Chemotherapy can damage bone growth during an important period of development. And radiation for some cancers can increase the risk of other cancers later. 在人生长发育时,化疗会抑制骨胳生长,同时针对某些癌症辐射也会增加今后患其他癌症的风险。

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