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[bbe] About forty thousand armed for war went over before the Lord to the fight, to the lowlands of Jericho.

[bbe] A serious-minded man, fearing God with all his family; he gave much money to the poor, and made prayer to God at all times. 他是个虔诚人、他和全家都敬畏神、多多周济百姓、常常祷告神。
[bbe] A talent of the best gold was used for the making of it and its vessels. 他用精金一他连得、作灯台和灯台的一切器具。
[bbe] A voice is sounding on the open hilltops, the weeping and the prayers of the children of Israel; because their way is twisted, they have not kept the Lord their God in mind. 在净光的高处听见人声,就是以色列人哭泣恳求之声,乃因他们走弯曲之道,忘记耶和华他们的神。
[bbe] A voice of one crying, Make ready in the waste land the way of the Lord, make level in the lowland a highway for our God. 有人声喊着说,在旷野预备耶和华的路,(或作在旷野有人声喊着说,当预备耶和华的路),在沙漠地修平我们神的道。
[bbe] Aaron will be put to rest with his people; he will not go into the land which I have given to the children of Israel, because you went against my word at the waters of Meribah. 亚伦要归到他列祖〔原文作本民〕那里、他必不得入我所赐给以色列人的地、因为在米利巴水你们违背了我的命。
[bbe] About forty thousand armed for war went over before the Lord to the fight, to the lowlands of Jericho. 约有四万人、都准备打仗、在耶和华面前过去、到耶利哥的平原、等候上阵。
[bbe] About this house which you are building: if you will keep my laws and give effect to my decisions and be guided by my rules, I will give effect to my word which I gave to David your father. 论到你所建的这殿,你若遵行我的律例,谨守我的典章,遵从我的一切诫命,我必向你应验我所应许你父亲大卫的话。
[bbe] Abraham and Ishmael, his son, underwent circumcision on that very day. 正当那日,亚伯拉罕和他儿子以实玛利,一同受了割礼。
[bbe] Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he underwent circumcision. 亚伯拉罕受割礼的时候,年九十九岁。
[bbe] Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar gave birth to Ishmael. 夏甲给亚伯兰生以实玛利的时候、亚伯兰年八十六岁。
[bbe] Abram went on living in the land of Canaan, and Lot went to the lowland towns, moving his tent as far as Sodom. 亚伯兰住在迦南地、罗得住在平原的城邑、渐渐挪移帐棚、直到所多玛。

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